
Responses from theforerunner

Budget Tuner Recommendations
The best inexpensive tuner you can buy is a Carver TX11a.They sound great and you could get one (or even the TX11) for in the neighborhood of $75-150. Someone turned me on to these when I was thinking of an old McIntosh telling me to save the diff... 
Guitar player? , What model do you own or play?
I'm an everyday player with a Fender Muddy Waters telecaster. a strat, an ovation, and an Epiphone Sheraton played through either Fender or Mesa Boogie amps.My hi-fi is Sim I5, Meridian cd player, Paradigm speakers or #2 system= MF A300 Sony cd pl... 
Anybody getting Paradigm Studio 100's to image?
It depends on your set-up including room and electronics. They'll never image like monitors but they definately are way better than Circuit city stuff. I had the 40v2's and they imaged really well. The 100v2's that I have now don't image as well b... 
Audio Research VSI-55, Pathos ClassicOne, or SS
I have both the Pathos Classic One v2 and the Sim I5. Both are great amps and I'd hate to part with either. I drive Paradigm Studio 100v2's with the Sim and ProAc Tablettes with the Pathos. I've used them the other way around also. I think the Pat... 
Paradigm CC v2 to 570 V.3 any benefit
I was using the 570v3 with Studio 110v2's and they matched just fine. 
Calling Marantz sa8260 owners...
Hi,I've had a Marantz 8260 for about a year now and haven't had any of those problems with it. Probably just a defective unit. 
Good Low Level Resolution Speakers under $2K used.
I have a pair of Proac Tablettes in my office system that sound excellent at lower volumes driven by a Pathos Classic v2. Wonderful combo 
Paradigm 100 v.3 – B&W 804 dilemma… please help
The Paradigms are very revealing of upstream components. With a good solid state amp like the Bryston 4B-ST the bass isn't fat but tight, well controlled and deep. The top end also becomes fairly well refined and overall the speaker definately com... 
paradigm signature when is it coming out?
What is the Paradigm signature?I have been a Paradigm fan for many years and I own a pair of the Studio 100v.2's. Is the signature going to be their new top of the line product? 
Musical Healing
If you really want to hear music that will bring healing to you spirit, soul and body there is an album called "Spirit Songs" by the worship team of an evangelist named Dr. Christian Harfouche. THis is unquestionably one of the best healing albums... 
Best Remote $1,250 used preamp?
I've got a Bat vk 20 and I am completely satisfied. If you shop you can find one on the net tnat will fall into your budget. It sounds great and works well with a wide variety of amplifiers. The Conrad Johnson PFR will also work well for you espec... 
PS Audio's Ultimate Outlet
I have one and have used it in conjunction with a PS Audio mini-lab cable to my power amp. The other outlet feeds a Monster HT2500. I got good results with this combo when I used it with my Musical Fidelity A300. The combo definitely lowered the n...