
Responses from tomask6

How the heck does Qobuz sounds so much better than playing the same files thru itunes with Fidelizer ? 
I think it sounds incredible.  I never knew my system could sound so good. 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
Geoff NitroFreeze says "no torqued assemblies" which includes anything screwed down.  I'm tempted to just send them in fully assembled.  What u think? 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
2 week update:  everything just sounds.....better. You name it, it's better.  Bass vertical imaging, electronic instruments sound more musical, voice definition better, highs are brighter yet smooth, darker silence.  I am still working up the nerv... 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
Everything got back safe from Nitro Freeze. Installed and singin’. At first pass sound is warmer, yet somehow the highs are a lot more vibrant, with greater soundstage depth yet less sibilant (Craig Chaquico Sacred Ground sounds like it never has ... 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
When I installed Porter Ports (which are cryoed) into the power distributor, it was more like 6 weeks but it was a huge improvement, along the lines of upgrading a major component. 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
Well I sent in what I could reasonably take apart to NitroFreeze: Inlets from power amp & power distribution box (distribution box receptacles already croyed porter ports), copper wires in my power distributor connecting the receptacles, circu... 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
No.  Inlet is this 
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
I say to hech with Furutech. Just remove and cryo the originals for like $10 each and get same performance (or better) without having to take a cutting torch to your chassis.  
Send Inlets to be Cryoed
I'm probably going to regret asking this, but geoff are you pulling my leg?  Wotchu talkin' bout?  Should I send my speakers to be cryoed? 
Rewiring Power Distributor -- Will Silver Plated Copper Help or Hinder?
How is pure silver v pure copper in this application? 
Which USB Cable to buy
I had very good results with the Lavricables separated USB.  Super price too no bs. 
Cable thoughts
Used cables require break in.  
Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?
How is the grip on the Blue? 
Alanis Morissette "You Learn" Harsh "S" Vocals
Thank you so much teo.  Sounded like the eq was set up for a very basic car stereo.  I know producers often do that-- literally playing it on a basic car stereo to see how it sounds and adjusting appropriately.