

Responses from trianglezerius

Integrated Amp for Monitor Audio RS6
Don't forget to include the Cambridge 840A. 
"Best" bookshelf/monitor for low-power amp?
Triangle Titus or Cometes would be on my list also due to there easy to drive ability. Plus they have a slew of other strengths to. Once you hear Triangle JM Labs especially will sound slow. 
Integrated Amp for Monitor Audio RS6
Any tube amp by Rogue, Prima Luna, Audio Space, Cayin or Jolida. I am basically saying I think the sound best on tubes, in my opinion. 
Integrated for Vienna Acoustics Haydn
I second the Prima Luna opinion. I heard the Haydn's on a Prologue 2 and was a great match in my opinion. I did not see the need for SS that day. 
Looking for the "better sub"
Also try MJ Acoustics. 
VR-1 amp match?
I would personally try a tube integrated if it were me. Maybe by Jolida, Manley, or Melody. 
An alternative to powered sub woes?
I was recently in the market for a sub and had REL high up on my list. Then I started ready up on MJ Acoustics and found them to be really intriguing and the perfect size for my room. So I pulled the trigger and bought the Reference 100 MKII since... 
Which speaker is best with Naim
I know its not on your list but Triangle and ERA both worked quite well at my local dealer's shop. Surprisingly the Triangle/Naim combo wasn't bright but was very musical and fast with great PRAT. The ERA/Naim combo was also very musical with grea... 
Any other MJ Acoustics owners out there?
I'm digging it because its fast and musical. It adds just the right amount of bass without drawing attention to itself. The sub is very useful to once you learn how too use it. 
Best speaker with Jolida JD 1000 RC
Maybe try the new Genese line by Triangle. There are several dealers in the US that sells both Jolida and Triangle together. I am for one an owner of this combo (Modified 302b and Triangle Comete's) and love it. 
Which budget integrated for Triangle titus?
I use Triangles and tubes with great success. I have heard and tried several solid state amps on the Triangles and the only one that worked IMO was a Naim Nait 5i, but I still prefer tubes. Anything 10 watts or more will really make them sing due ... 
Speakers under $750.00...Preposterous Notion?
I'd seriously look into used Triangles for the budget you mention. The Zerius or Comete would give you everything your looking for in the used market they can be had for $600 or less. 
Reference Audio Mod Oppo 970 – How good is it ?
I compared a JAS Musik at www.jas-audio.comTubed output, 24/96 burr brown dacs, sony transport. It shares parts with the $1600 Vincient CD player since they bought parts from the same OEM. 
Reference Audio Mod Oppo 970 – How good is it ?
The oppo was better by a small margin..... 
Reference Audio Mod Oppo 970 – How good is it ?
I compared a Cd player I'm purchasing against Andy's Oppo and was a we bit better all around.