
Responses from usery

I too was as hopeful as the rest for Qobuz USA. And then I tried the beta trial. For me the subjective improvement in sound quality isn’t enough to overcome the objective shortfalls: the native app UX & function, the web app UX & function,... 
Revised verdict:After a few more days using Qobuz, the slightly-better-than-Tidal audio quality may not be enough to overcome the absolutely sh!tty search UX and catalog indexing. Even if Qobuz has the recordings I've painstakingly assembled in m... 
@bander "Who is using g [sic] Qobuz and how are you finding it?"1. Qobuz > Tidala. audio quality: to my ear Qobuz "Studio" is better than Tidal hifi and Master: broader dynamic/frequency range, better definition, presence, air, blah blah quack ... 
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
@joshelston:"Any differences between m100 vs m150 other than watts?"From everything I've seen, the M-150 has the M.A.R.S. room correction included, adds +50w and +$1150.  That's it. 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Raspberry Pi SQ
@stuff,"What type of router should I be looking for?"Start with whatever router your telco gives you. Router is in bottom-half of list of things to optimize later. I currently run a gigabit-ethernet FIOS router that Frontier gave me. If telco make... 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Raspberry Pi SQ
@stuff_jones,Both my RPi builds have been stable including the new one (Orchard Audio ApplePi DAC). For those of us with other more compelling interests, it’s a do-it-once-and-enjoy thing. There is some fiddly computer tech, OS and network interac... 
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
@joshelston: If room correction is must-have for you, unit at TMR could be a winner.If you're in a spot to defer DRC til later (like I'm doing), and $4K is your top-end, you might even be in range of a new M-100.  There's a sale going that migh... 
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
@joshelston:"What speakers are you running with it?"Nola Boxers on Dynaudio Stand 4, similar form and spec to your ATC - SCM11 v2. Also have a single REL R-328 sub, soon to be replaced by dual Syzygy SLF870’s.I didn’t spring for the Micromega "M.A... 
Micromega M-100/150 field reports
Fun continues here too, M-100 such a champ and delight every time I listen.  All genres, all recordings - including the bad ones, which M-100 is unabashedly, brutally revealing with.Extending my speakers with dual Syzygy SLF870 sub's, eagerly wait... 
All in one Pre/Power/Streaming/DAC or Streaming Preamp/DAC combo ~$2k-4k recommendations
@joshelston:"... the M100 and M150 are the most intriguing to me and I keep going back to them" So did I when I was shopping all-in-one’s, much like your search. So I bought one (M-100). Haven’t looked back, so far I’m utterly satisfied. Sound qua... 
Bluesound Node 2i vs Raspberry Pi SQ
"1. I'm looking for the best sound quality and music server function under 500." Sigh ... let the opinion spam begin (including mine)."2. ...use my phone, tablet and PC as a remote to control FLAC files "I'm guessing you meant "...use my phone, ... 
Improving streaming SQ
that - was inevitable.  after all, this _is_ 
Windows XP or Windows 7?
If trees fall in an 8-year-old forum post, does anyone hear it? 
I need a subwoofer/sub-bass opinion from you
wrt 'flip phone' subs, nvm: after a lightening research session this morning, I bought two Syzygy SLF870's.Will report back with observations & field test results.  In meantime here's a favorable review that helped tip my decision: http://foru... 
I need a subwoofer/sub-bass opinion from you
"... how easily and how well they can be integrated to your system and your room is questionable"@m-db have you listened to Syzygy subs?Wrt flip phones the SVS SB-3000 does appear to offer from-your-butt control via Android/iOS app. At a glance th...