
Responses from vintagechile

Comments on Tannoy Kensington SE - Room size
Mikedimitrov, A fiend has them both. He prefered the WM hands down. Islandmandan, The Tannoy Canterbury + Plinius sa-103 was my best configuration until I discovered Chord Electronics. Dsholl1, Is not just about driving , is about getting it all. ... 
JPS Labs versus Audio Quest (Megasam?)
I´m running SuperC 2 IC´s and Super + on speakers. Them are just right. I agree them substracts a bit of top end but depth , soundstage , bass , etc .. are fine. 
The Hub: EVEREST - The tallest peak of JBL range?
Hi guys, The d55000 Everest in original condition sucks IMHO. The xover is a disaster and the woofers are dry and sterile . The 2425 drivers are just regular , nothing impressive. Now the good news. The d55000 maybe converted in the best speaker o... 
Comments on Tannoy Kensington SE - Room size
Hi guys, My Canterbury´s sings with anything you drop on the chain but if you want to do critical listening and get the last drop of juice , big bad class A SS amps are the way to go. I had a lot of vintage JBL , Altec, EV , Monitor silver-red-gol... 
McIntosh MCD500 vs Ayon CD-2
Don´t know the mcd-500 but my two cents FWIW. I have been playing the CD-2 through a MA-6600 . It is far better on direct connection using the digital volume of the c-2 than using the 6600 preamp section . Using the Ayon cd-1 is just the opossite ... 
PC recommendation for McIntosh 501's
Hi, Try Iego 80229 , if you dont find it go for the new Torrent. Play a bit with the plugs to get your prefered tone. More bass , body and sweetness = a Cu Furutech as male + Iego gold plated IEC. Accuracy and speed= Male Iego gold plated + Wattga... 
Bombay,Yes sir , the Canterbury´s sound better with medium to high power amps. SET's with less than 24 watts are not enough.  
Ayon CD Players: CD-1 and CD-3
Got a Cd1-s like a month ago. Simply outstanding. No more no less. 
any Jadis owners out there ?
I liked them with Svet´s 6550 or Mullard( and Svet´s ) El34. 
Is my VTL IT-85 enough for Eggleston Fontaine's?
Just arrived the Mb-125´s. Enough power and control for the Andra II. Absolutely recommended. 
Is my VTL IT-85 enough for Eggleston Fontaine's?
Hi , Im using the ST-85 directly from an Ayon CD1s to a pair of Andra II's. The room is 18 X 23 and the VTL manages it better than Bel canto class D S300 even when I biamplified with another s300 ( actually a 300i on bypass mode). The ST-85 is jus... 
Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II
Jprice, Thanks for you answer. I understand you since I also own 2 systems at home but on a different direction than yours . My choice is to have different approaches on each system. One is based on SET amps + Tannoy Canterbury and the other right... 
Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II
Jprice , Why did you change from E.W to the SF´s? Any comments ? Thanks. 
Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II
Hi again, After several tests changing electronics with the Andra II´s ,my best results were with a Jadis Pre JPL and a Bel Canto s300. Since the 300 BCD series has a low input impedance , them need a preamp or spurce with low output impedance an... 
Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II
Hi, Just received my Andra II's this month. Tried several amps on them. Audion 300b SET and VV52B ( both with volume controls) monos cant move them , neither on biamp configuration. Since I dont like PP tube amps went in other direction. Class D I...