
Responses from xerotrace

Search for miracle integrated
The musical fidelity seems to be a nice amp, very nice actually! It is not a bad idea to do the speakers first. I wanted to see how good I can get my legacy classics to sound by improving the signal upstream. Even with my current NAD integrated (I... 
Search for miracle integrated
Thanks for that input fossda I also have heard great things about the 600i, I need to audition it. It checks all the boxes for me (except I don't think I can bi-amp with it but I could be wrong). I have also read some great reviews talking about a... 
Search for miracle integrated
LOL that is funny Spencer but it makes sense! I'm drawn to the cosmetics of it for sure but part of the money has to go to that. I Love the idea of the LIO- fantastic idea but is 25 wpc enough for a 6 or 8 ohm load with a 90 db effeciency speaker?... 
Search for miracle integrated
I know it is a little over the budget but I wonder about the continuum 2, it is a class D which I frankly don't know much about but would that be worth $10k over a used concentrate 2 for $4k? I think I need to listen to this integrated if I can. I... 
Search for miracle integrated
Thanks inna, Rowland is a very interesting option and it seems to check most of the boxes. I don't know much about the brand but I'll have to do my research on it. I wonder how it compares to the moon 600i for example? Thanks for putting the brand... 
Search for miracle integrated
Thanks for the awesome recommendations! I love the idea of the LIO but I wish it was stronger on the wattage side. PASS is definitely an option, I also like the idea of YBA- the passion integrated seems very cool and can be purchased without a DAC.  
Search for miracle integrated
Thanks akg_ca and Spencer,Well there is a local dealer that is willing to give me a GREAT deal on Revel and Wilson is just a brand I've been able to hear multiple times so I know how they sound. I'm pretty sold on the crescendos or the Vandersteen... 
How to divide a budget between components
In researching the importance of the wire component I came across this article. It seems very scientific and objective but it goes agains what I have traditionally been told about how important the relay component of a system is. I am still learni... 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Zd: thanks for the recommendations I will definitely audition them. What do you recommend as far as DACs that would fit well with the Vandys? Does the Ayre DAC fit that bill? Based on what I am hearing I think I will need to raise my budget. 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Great points!Roscoeiii: what is a DSP? How does it replace a pre-amp and a DAC? That sounds like a very interesting option...Zd: that makes a lot of sense. I think the speakers will be my main focus. So with that in mind do I need to make sure the... 
How to divide a budget between components
Great points!Mlauner: when you say sources does that mean CD player and turntable? Would anything else be included in that (like a DAC)? 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Thanks again for all the feedback. In researching my options I stumbled upon some reviews of Class D amps. I know NAD makes one that is pretty reasonably priced (around $3K new) as do some other manufacturers. I think the technology is still new (... 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Thank you everyone for you input. I think I need to do some auditioning with the Vandys to see how they sound to my ears. The Ayre sounds like a leading contender with my speaker choice so I will certainly give those a listen. 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Thanks so much for this great feedback- I have a LOT to consider. A couple clarifications: right now to my ears my Legacy's are very nice but I think I'm running flat on the component side of my system (the good news is because of my limited exper... 
Best upgradable system components for under $6K
Thank you all for the feedback so far. ZD542: great option with the Ayre combo. It looks like new the pair is around $8.5k so I bet I can find the set used closer to my $6k budget. Illuminator: I have not heard of Moon amps pre-amps. Do you know h...