
Responses from yuri777

Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Lateguestsnomore:John Atkinson's 5% "golden eared" population is actually statistically incorrect, as you can read here:http://www.bostonaudiosociety.org/bas_speaker/wishful_thinking.htm 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Mr. JafoxIf i can't even trust my own subjective hearing, i don't think i can trust the subjective hearing of others, specially people who can hear "differences" in power cords, bybee quantum filters, shakti stones, granite stands and speaker cabl... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Mr JafoxMaybe the whole point of my posts is that once one reaches an high echelon in the quality of the components in one system, things such as one interconnect cables or fancy power cords make no difference.You are obviously misconstruing what ... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Guys, don't take this personally, but unless you have done Blind ABX tests with your power cords and interconnects, it is all subjective.. you know what is playing, and you may think you hear a difference instead of really hearing one.Stereophile ... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Here is the power chord double blind test link folks:http://www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_11_4/feature-article-blind-test-power-cords-12-2004.html 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
Washline: The bottom line is this: Without doing blind A/B testing, your emotions and the fact that you spent big bucks on power cables will influence what you are hearing.A/B testing is not enough.Are you willing to bet you will be able to tell t... 
Cable auditions - Hard Work?
The cable business is mostly a scam.One website did a double blind test consisting of 10 so called "audiophiles" testing really expensive cryo treated power cords against a cheap power cable of the Home Depot variety.None of the audiophiles could ... 
Magnepan 3.6R vs. 2.7QR
I must add that i did upgrade the inductors on my 2.7QRs after seeing the cheap factory inductors that came with the speakers (basically wire spools of copper wire)and it made a difference in the sound, particularly in the bass.On the other hand i... 
Magnepan 3.6R vs. 2.7QR
Hi Neal.Thanks for your post.I would appreciate if you could post Schneider's website.Thanks 
Magnepan 3.6R vs. 2.7QR
Thanks for the information guys,i wish i could audition the 3.6QRs on my system, but i guess that is not possible (unless i buy them)I will try to arrange an audition with a 3.6QR seller.How about blown tweeters, is that a common problem with 3.6QRs? 
Krell KSA 50 vs. todays ss amps?
C123666: Abe Collins owns a Krell KSA-50S, which is not what i am looking for. I am looking for the original KSA-50 mk ii.Thanks anyway. 
Krell KSA 50 vs. todays ss amps?
HiYes, i did read the reviews of the KSA-50 vs. KSA-50S.But those are two completely different amps.I am trying to find out the differences between the KSA-50 Mark I and KSA-50 Mark II models.Thanks 
Krell KSA 50 vs. todays ss amps?
HiI already found a KSA-50 mk i for sale, but i am wondering if i should wait to get a mk ii amp, which is why i would like to know what the difference between both models is.Thanks 
Krell KSA 50 vs. todays ss amps?
I am in the hunt for a ksa-50Does anyone know what the difference between the ksa-50 mk i and the mk ii models?Thanks 
audio request
Audio ReQuest compresses your CDs into MP3s and stores them into its hardrive.Hardly audiophile, it is basically going the oposite way sonically, (unless your idea of hi-fi is listening to 128kps MP3s)For less than the $800 Audio ReQuest hardware,...