Krell KSA 50 vs. todays ss amps?

I have never heard a KSA50 but they get great press. Has anyone who has heard one compared it to say the Halcro( which also seems to get great press) or to any of todays ss amps, like Edge or Mark L etc.
Yuri, Read the reviews in Stereophile on line about the KSA 50S - they describe the differences between it and the original KSA. It seems that the reviewer thought that the original was a warmer and more rounded amp, more musical if you will. The KSA 50S was a bit more hifi (my terms). Anyway, read it.
Yes, i did read the reviews of the KSA-50 vs. KSA-50S.
But those are two completely different amps.
I am trying to find out the differences between the KSA-50 Mark I and KSA-50 Mark II models.
C123666: Abe Collins owns a Krell KSA-50S, which is not what i am looking for. I am looking for the original KSA-50 mk ii.
Thanks anyway.
My recollection is that the Mk II had some changes made to it to make it more stable--I think if you shot an e-mail or made a call to Krell they could probably tell you pretty quickly.
Trust me....You want a MKII model.... The difference between the threshold and the KSA-50 might be as simple as you can still get the KSA-50 repaired. I dont know if Threshold is still around, or if they would have replacement parts. The Sony V-fet amps are great amps, but try to find a replacement output transistor for them. You are out of luck.

That is the beauty of buying an older Krell or Levinson.