9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?

It's surprisingly hard to find a 9-inch tonearm that accepts SPUs and offers fine, easily repeatable VTA adjustment. I know about the Ortofon RS-212D but its VTA system is less than ideal for my preferences. I really dislike adjusting with grub-screws, and that's what it appears to have. Thumbwheel VTA, like on my SME M2-12R, on the other hand, is just fine with me. I suppose I could get an SME 3009 and work up a Pete Riggle for it, but I'd rather find an integrated solution. What other 9-inchers with VTA are out there? I'm out of ideas!

Thanks in advance.

Showing 9 responses by wrm57

Also, are some versions better than others? Anything in particular I should look out for when searching for one?
Correction: it looks like the link I supplied is for the Ortofon RS-212--not the same tonearm. I don't know where to find the RS-212D manual, sorry.
Thanks for the responses. The trick is finding one! You guys have any secret sources? :)
Dertonarm, that's good info. Thank you.

Is the original wiring good enough in these arms or is it something I should expect to have upgraded? Also, do the internal leads go all the way from the cartridge clips to phono stage inputs, perhaps via RCA? Or is the arm designed to accommodate a separate, external phono cable, perhaps connected at the arm base via DIN or something, like many contemporary arms? Not sure how these were made.
Never mind about the phono cable question. I figured it out--DIN connector at the base.
Phil, how is the stock internal wiring on these arms? Also, the specs say max VTF of 3g. I notice, in your primary system, that you run the 12-in. version with a Meister Silver, which has a recommended VTF of 4g. It handles that SPU OK?
Hi Anatoily,

I think it does not have thumbwheel VTA but I might be mistaken. You can download the manual from Vinyl Engine if you register (it's free).

RS212D on Vinyl Engine

Lewm, thanks for the pointer. I saw that ad and gave serious thought to getting one and finding an FR64s. But I ended up with a new Tri-planar instead, feeling one arm for SPUs was probably enough. I'm very impressed with the Tri.