9-in arm for SPUs with easy VTA ?

It's surprisingly hard to find a 9-inch tonearm that accepts SPUs and offers fine, easily repeatable VTA adjustment. I know about the Ortofon RS-212D but its VTA system is less than ideal for my preferences. I really dislike adjusting with grub-screws, and that's what it appears to have. Thumbwheel VTA, like on my SME M2-12R, on the other hand, is just fine with me. I suppose I could get an SME 3009 and work up a Pete Riggle for it, but I'd rather find an integrated solution. What other 9-inchers with VTA are out there? I'm out of ideas!

Thanks in advance.
To Wrm57
I couldn't get any manual for RS212D which I was considering for some time and still are, I thought it has a thumbwheelfor VTA by just looking at the picture but I guess I was wrong. Do you have any link for the manual by any chance? I check ortofon.com but nothing there.
Thank you
Hi Anatoily,

I think it does not have thumbwheel VTA but I might be mistaken. You can download the manual from Vinyl Engine if you register (it's free).

RS212D on Vinyl Engine

Correction: it looks like the link I supplied is for the Ortofon RS-212--not the same tonearm. I don't know where to find the RS-212D manual, sorry.
FWIW, there was a guy selling repro B60 bases for FR on eBay, for $400. I bought one for my 64S. It's perfect in every way. I think he sells them as he makes them.
Dear Lew, I bought the 'repro' B-60 from some Japanese guy
who called himself Kurt and lives in Hawaii. This guy
wanted to make B-60 by himself but this was to difficult for him. He started with both anti-skate weights for the FR 64/66 and become , it seems, too optimistic. So he made all the needed drawings and ordered 10 specimens by some Japanese firm . But his real name may be Wang so that he also speaks (and write)Chinese and probable ordered those 10 specimens in Taiwan. A good seller needs some psychological intuition so he probable thought that Japanese reference would be more convincing than the Taiwanese. He had the price Dertonarm suggested in mind but by his first listing on ebay.com he
got just 1 bid. Yours truly Nikola. I got the B-60 for $500 . Mr. Wang (aka Kurt) was very disapointed with this result but some Swiss helped him out by buying his whole
'stock'. Kurt (aka Wang) wrote to me that he nearly got bankrupt because of this undertaking. This seems to be usually the case by too optimistic kinds.
I am very reluctant to disagree with Lew about anything( a dangerous critic) but in casu I honestly agree with your valuatinon. I would even add 'better than the original' because brand new. BTW the price on 'our market' is $450.
