Any direct listening experience with Musica Bella preamps

? I like the concept of what I’ve read but able to find very little information on the sound quality. What I like about the concept...seems to be a low overhead (direct sale) company that uses simple designs, high quality components, point to point wiring etc. But am able to find very little about how they  perform, sound.

Any thoughts about the sound would be appreciated!

I have an older model called the Musica Bella ’BellaMax’ - using 12AU7's.  It’s very transparent and dynamic. Also, very sensitive to tube rolling - and power cords - and power supply. All of which I think are advantages. Bill Baker, the owner/designer, will give you the straight scoop. He mentioned that he can tailor the sound - dynamic vs refined. He’s been doing this for a while. He also modded my speaker cross-overs. He did a great job.