Anyone else noticed TRIANGLEART PREAMPLIFIER is almost identical Canary CA-906

I have a Canary CA-906 and when I viewed the Triangle Art Reference Tube Preamp listing here, I noticed that internally and externally it was almost identical to the Canary CA-906.  Has anyone else noticed this?
The internals look almost identical based on my comparing the Triangle Art with my Canary CA-906
 Canary Audio builds Triangle Art Amps and preamps for them.  Its Excellent Tubed Gear

Good Listening

There may be differences in the various offerings - the Canary C1600 in its current Mk2 offering is a better sounding unit than the CA906 - the C800 MK 2 is also excellent - in form factor they are all quite identical - ofcourse with tubes you can roll and get the sound you want - recently redid a C1600 MK2 with a Bent/Schlage Autoformer Volume Control and 5692 tunes in the line stage - that took it up many notches 😄

Good Listening 

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Tom Vu designs & builds all of TriangleArt gear in Anaheim, Ca. He does not sub out to Canary or anyone else to build them..