Anyone else noticed TRIANGLEART PREAMPLIFIER is almost identical Canary CA-906

I have a Canary CA-906 and when I viewed the Triangle Art Reference Tube Preamp listing here, I noticed that internally and externally it was almost identical to the Canary CA-906.  Has anyone else noticed this?
The internals look almost identical based on my comparing the Triangle Art with my Canary CA-906
Tom Vu designs & builds all of TriangleArt gear in Anaheim, Ca. He does not sub out to Canary or anyone else to build them.. 
Post removed 
There may be differences in the various offerings - the Canary C1600 in its current Mk2 offering is a better sounding unit than the CA906 - the C800 MK 2 is also excellent - in form factor they are all quite identical - ofcourse with tubes you can roll and get the sound you want - recently redid a C1600 MK2 with a Bent/Schlage Autoformer Volume Control and 5692 tunes in the line stage - that took it up many notches 😄

Good Listening 

 Canary Audio builds Triangle Art Amps and preamps for them.  Its Excellent Tubed Gear

Good Listening
