Anyone heard the new Daber Audio Monitor 3?

I won my first A-gon auction recently, and it was a pair of the Daber Audio Monitor 3, three way speakers. I had no previous knowledge of Daber Audio or these speakers, but I could do the math in my head and knew I was getting a good deal pricewise, so I took the chance.

I am really impressed with these speakers. Firstly, I'm all about imaging and soundstage, and have been known to sacrifice some bass response in favor of both. The Monitor 3 images like a good two way, has great soundstage and I get bass too! Nice tight bass. They also look fantastic... I opted for the Piano Black finish, and it's gorgeous.

I probably sound like a shill, but actually I'm just an audio geek happy with his latest purchase, and I just wanted to pass it on. You can find me on other audio forums under the same user name to confirm this. Mostly the two most well known headphone sites. I think Daber has some other speaker offerings planned for the near future, and I think they're worth a look. I had been planning on building my own speakers, as I'm a woodworker, but the idea of designing and building crossovers had me pausing.
Apparently they went belly-up. Sad. So many companies come on the scene with good products and are gone before you know it. I just heard today that Concensus Audio was out of business as well.
Sorry to bump an old thread. Finsup, I've had customers use them in everything form small rooms to massive ones. My listening room is 15' w x 19' deep. I have no problems loading that room with pleasing sound. As far as the low end goes, they perform as advertised, and there are several threads where people comment on just how low they play, and how accurately they do it. The planar tweeter really is a great performer, as is the mid, so imaging wise, I can't see them ever being a problem for your average sized room. Sorry about the late reply, I just found this thread.
Screaming deal shipped to your door. Try em out, and sell for a profit if they don't work for you.
Small to medium sized room. Large room with a subwoofer
If Daber Audio is still checking this thread, what is the recommended room size for this speaker? I was considering the Triangle Comte Limited Edition but seeing the Dabers are stated to reach deeper than the Triangles and the planar tweeter is used vice a soft dome, I may put this one on the list.

I have now had the Daber Monitor 3's for two weeks and have had a chance to do some critical listening. I have the rounded cabinets in maple that Steve provides for a small extra fee. They are gorgeous with very high end carpentry work! The first thing that will strike you is the deep, tight bass for such a relatively small speaker. I doubt anyone but the most avid bass fan will see the need for a subwoofer in a two-channel setup. The mids are very satisfying and the highs are clear and precise. Vocals are rendered in a very natural fashion. The soundstage competes with the best. My wife, who is very musically inclined, even prefers them over my Acoustic Zen Adagios. A very different speaker and a matter of taste, but still high praise from a very musical person. I love them both for different reasons. To say that I am pleased with the results would be an understatement. In summary I think this must be one of the best values in speakers out there and they are made in the USA by a small entrepreneurial company. Give them a try - you will not be disappointed!

As a side note the speaker stands for the Volla speakers fit as if made for these speakers (rounded) - got them from MSS HIFI at a decent preice. Steve is planning on making stands for them as well in the near future.
I recently purchased a set of Daber Monitor 3s in maple. There is not much feedback on them save perhaps this thread and the Stereo Times review, which is a shame because they are remarkablely good sounding - very refined with a sweet top end. They have displaced my beloved Tyler Linbrook Signature monitors.
Agayep, What are your thoughts now that you have been able to spend some time with them?
Steve at this time is making ONE for South Texas area.I look forward of seeing this into fruition and enjoying this creation.
Thank you for the compliments, and sharing your honest opinions! I really appreciate it.
They share the same tweeter as the Bulldogs, but nothing else really, other than being a three way design. Every review I've read of the Bulldogs really liked the tweeter. What are your thoughts, JKW1?
I have not heard this speaker or of the company, but they look very similar to the Cliffhanger Bulldogs, which I own.
Have now been using my new Daber Audio Monitor 3 speaker for a few weeks. Out the box they look terrific inthe cherry finish and sound they much better. Wow! Having a chance to break them in a bit my initial impression has been confirmed over again and again. Comparing them to my other speakers in my primary and secondary system. They fall in the middle, but much closer to the goodness of my main system VSA MK 4Jr's. which cost much more than the Daber's. As much as I liked the Paradigm Studio 20 v3 in my family room system I could not wait to get back to the Daber's. They have better bass by a good margin which I expected as they are in a bigger box but outclass them in the mid and highs as well. They don't have the bottom end of my primary speakers but the planar tweeter really sings. The music brings to mind how be it on a smaller scale of the listening experience at Overtrue audio debut of the Magico Q5 speakers. The Magico's seem to have a real weight or anchor on the music. Giving the music a solid foundation to play from. That same sense I find coming from the Daber's. The Daber's are a very musical and enjoyable speaker.
No side by side comparisons yet, but other speakers I've owned include Paradigm Reference Active 20 monitors, ESS AMT 1D with the Heil air motion transformer and Omega Grande 6 to name a few of the more recent ones. These compare quite favorably. I loved the Heil tweeter/midrange unit of the ESS speakers, but the bass was a bit loose and wooly. The Omega was awesome on female vocals, but not as dynamic as I'm used to. And the paradigm was fantastic at imaging and soundstage, and probably my favorite speaker up until the Daber's. The Monitor 3 imaging and soundstage is on par with the Paradigms, but with a little deeper low end, and overall better midrange purity. I'm a big fan of Orthodynamic/Isodynamic headphones, and the tweeter definitely has some of that signature I love. Dispersion is fantastic. The aluminum domed mids are what I think really give the speakers the edge over a good two way design, without sacrificing imaging, and they allow the woofer to be freed up from high mid reproduction.
You beat me out on the auction for the speakers. Thanks for posting your impressions. The plannar tweeter peeked my interest in the speakers. For the price I was willing to take the chance on these unknown speakers. What other speakers have you compared them too. Hope to acquire a pair soon.
Good luck with your new monitors.