Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?


Showing 2 responses by uberwaltz

Just to throw my towel in the ring here.

Just placed into my system an Ayon S3 streamer/ server.
This has the ability to upsample 16/44 to 24/192 on the fly.

So last night was comparing the effects on some well known to myself music and this is what I heard whether it can be measured or not.

At 24/192 the music was smoothed out for want of better description. Some of the common CD glare and harshness was tamed, really noticeable on cymbals.
For me I preferred the majority of the 16/44 I upsampled to 24/192.
A few better recorded tracks did not seem to benefit although the change did not seem to be detrimental either.
You got me there GK!
Slip Of the proverbial finger 
Oh well, my findings still stand no matter.