Are high sample rates making your music sound worse?

That’s funny. You throw your hat in the ring. But maybe throwing in the towel does make more sense. 😛
You got me there GK!
Slip Of the proverbial finger 
Oh well, my findings still stand no matter.
Post removed 
mzkmxcv374 posts
Why don't you try yourself, instead of asking stupid questions and making stupid comments,and find out - as clearly you have either ..
a -  not tried or
b - have cloth ears or
c Have rubbish equipment
or maybe as I believe all 3
Please report back as clearly your findings and opinions are so accurate

If I listen to a Jaguar engine when it is away from me in a garage and compare it to the sound if I was standing next to it, would I hear a difference?  It is the same sound isn't it ... so according to you must sound the same