Are many audiophiles only seeking approval of the next purchase?

I find a good num of forum posts to be in this realm.  Facts ignored only posts that agree are considered of worth. 
I buy with expert insight into my purchase don't need anybody's ok but mine.
Another way to say that...  folks tend to stick with what they like, instead of constantly doubting themselves. LOL  
In scientific studies it might be a problem. It real life it keeps you from going insane.
Well, we have to at least visit and hang out with insane, otherwise we’ll never know the difference.

Knew an old professor who kept his sanity card in his wallet.

He was discharged from the psyche ward many decades back, after a short visit.

He was declared legally sane.

He would show it to people who were acting crazy.

He was legally sane..but how about them? Hmmm?

That such zany fun can be had in this world...
Seeking approval of the next purchase by asking around is a really bad way to go...seriously...what if somebody doesn't like your ideas? Leaving the house, talking to anyone about anything, and listening to anything at all other than those voices in your head will lead to nothing but trouble. However, endless boasting about how amazingly great your system sounds can be gratifying and help you get over your shortcomings, therefore making those trips to the therapist less painful.
Yeah, it's similar to religious evangelism. It seems to me there's more than a little seeking for validation.