Audio Logic 24MXL compared to Audio Logic 34MXL

I currently own the 24MXL and would like comments from people who are familiar with this DAC and have heard the new 34MXL. I had intended to wait a year or two and save money for the APL NWO 2.5 (single box player) which is really expensive. The rest of my system is CEC TL2 transport, CAT Ult MK2 preamp,
CAT JL2 amp, Avalon Osiris speakers all wired with top of the line Stealth. I know that the digital front end while not bad is the weakest link in this system and the next target for an upgrade.


Showing 5 responses by posbwp555

Thanks for the response Rcprince. Do you have Jerry's phone number? The number in my 24MXL owners manual is no longer correct. I looked at the specs from the new DAC and mine and see no real differences. I was hoping for at least a cap and resistor upgrade to premium componenets that may have been a worthwhile upgrade. It seems as if all he did was swap chips, it should be offered as an upgrade to current owners of the 24MXL. I did see the other thread after I started this one. Bart
Pubul57, can you describe the pros and cons of the CAT Ult MK2 and Placette RVC comparison. What tubes did you use in the CAT? I have found that the stock tubes are crap.
I have done extensive tube rolling in the past year and have settled on some very rare and expensive tube types that take the CAT to a level of performance that is not even approached with the stock tubes. I spoke with Jerry Ozment again this week and he said that the upgrade would cost 300 to 400 and asked me to check back in a month to see if he was ready to take orders. He is overloaded with work and has recently moved. He does seem like a very nice and down to earth guy that doesn't hype his gear and try to rape you for upgrades. I think his gear is good value for the money. I'll post again when I talk to him in early January. Bart

Thanks for the post. I have been waiting for someone that has actually listened to both DAC's to respond. I guess you sold your 24MXL and purchased a new 34MXL? I have been calling Jerry relentlessly for 24MXL upgrade information but he hasn't finalized anything yet. I will probably wait for an upgrade to be offered. Can you name any high end DAC's you have auditioned (EMM, APL, etc.) and compare their strengths and weaknesses relative to the 34MXL?

Rcprince, Did you purchase the EMM combo? It will be interesting to hear what happens when you run the EMM DAC
on the Forsell transport and the AL on the EMM transport.
Are you using the same power cords and digital cable on them? The last time I talked to Jerry about the upgrade,
he said that he thought it may cost about a thousand but hasn't worked out the best (most cost effective) upgrade yet. He may have decided that there is more money in selling new 34MXL's than upgrading 24MXL's. Can't blame him, it is a business.

Audioezra, How about an update. Which digital combo do you like best? Are you keeping them all???
