Audio - Post Divorce

Audio has definitely been more fun and rewarding post-divorce. No more keeping equipment in the trunk of my car waiting for my wife to leave the house so I could sneak the gear in because once its in the rack, she never ever noticed it.

I also have a greater appreciation of music and can definitely live with a lot less. I also believe that after you go through life's trials and tribulations and difficulties, whether it's a death in the family, loss of job, surviving cancer, divorce or other life's hardships you definitely get to appreciate things much more.

Please feel free to share if you can relate to this or if you can't. Thanks for reading :)

Showing 3 responses by lou_setriodes

Thanks Charles & Dave!

Dave - I now have good listening sessions all the time!

Brownsfan - I agree - do not like being alone after married so many years; unfortunately, just broke up with someone who I considered to be the 3rd love of my life. Out of my league hot, fitness instructor & chef - what a combo - awesome food and awesome bod too....fortunately, after 25 years, I've also reconnected with the 2nd love of my life, (also great bod, great cook, and wild in bed) who will soon be ready for me as she is getting separated soon as well.

Ebm & Ozzy - count your blessings, you are truly lucky men and agree Oz that its definitely better not to reveal costs

Schubert - seem to have had a bunch of life's stressors all in a short 6 month period...stress of starting a new job, older brother/best friend passed away, moved out of the home, lost family, separated, and then lost job....luckily when I sold the home last year, I had enough to support me but now play time is over, time to get back into the workforce :)

Thanks for your comments, kind words, and support.


So sorry to hear of your Grandson.  My parents lost a son three years ago at 57 and it's never easy.  Hang in there.  I've found you never really heal, you just learn to live with it......

Having said that, I look forward to 2016 being a great year regardless of politics and the craziness of the world......good listening, enjoy the music.

A beautiful woman I recently met had an interesting theory on divorce that I hadn't thought about.  Since we are all living longer, that by about 50 or so, if you've been in a long marriage as we have both been, you realize that you hopefully have many good years left and do I really want to live the rest of my life with someone who doesn't make me that happy.  It's no more about until death do us part anymore.....

Having said that, it was easier to stay in a committed relationship with my wife all those years, than it was to stay in a committed relationship with my stereo gear.  Was always quite the playa with my stereo gear :-)
