Ayon Audio Made in China?

I read recently that Ayon was made in China-
Is that right --anyone know?
I read a review where that question was posed to the U.S. importer and to the best of my recollection he indicated they are indeed from Austria. I've also seen posts of people who have toured the factory in Gratkorn, Austria.
If this is a question about Ayon's integrity. Ask yourself why Ayon isn't up front about where it is actually being manufactured.
Here's a link to an article in High Fidelity states Austria for equipment & Prague for tubes

Just noticed in lower part of article that there are "PCB's" for entry/mid components made in Taiwan and assembled in Austria

That was a good article, and thanks for posting the link. One small note, the article mentioned that only the lower end units had Taiwanese PCBs.

Photos of the innards of one Ayon CD player (CD2?) under test by 6moons were identical to those of a Raysonic 128 they had reviewed earlier, which was definitely made in China. The 6moons reviewer commented on this "similarity." As a Raysonic owner at the time, I noticed this particularly because the Ayon cost twice what the Raysonic did.
Sometimes we tend to believe in the good side of things. However, If Ayon is really made in Austria. Why didn't they labelled it as such. The answer: Its because they will be breaking the law.
S1nn3r posts :"If this is a question about Ayon's integrity. Ask yourself why Ayon isn't up front about where it is actually being manufactured."

This is a loaded question. S1nn3r seems to have some sort of agenda. THE QUESTION is whether Ayon is manufactured in China or not. Period. It has nothing to do with "integrity."

I would ask yourselves what is S1nn3r's objective here?
Which brand will pop up next on the "is this one made in China?" radar?
We should run a pool.
China has a lot more good engineers and electronic workers than Austria does, I have no problem with " made in China" on that score.
A Chinese owned company is another story .

I don't understand why you find my post offensive. What I said is simply a fact that companies not being up front where their products are actually made is devious IMO. Rather than just labeling the country of where the HQ is. Otherwise this thread won't even exist.
Add REL subwoofers to that list! No mention on their site about being made in China. Devious!
I see it like VW putting 20 bucks worth of chrome rings
on a Passat and selling it for 10 grand more as an Audi.
Marketing plays to egos ,many WANT to pay much more for an Ayon when the could get the same thing from Consonance or whoever for half the price.
Marketing is devious by its very nature, if you want to believe it that's up to you.
Schubert, "I see it like VW putting 20 bucks worth of chrome rings on a Passat and selling it for 10 grand more as an Audi."

For one, in the case of VW/Audi (or Toyota/Lexus), they are the same entity.

Secondly, simply doing as you said leaves me doubtful such products achieving the success they have. When you buy the upper echelon product, you get far more than a few chrome rings. Those things may be improved suspension, uprated trim, superior interior materials, enhanced technology, higher-end options, a maintenance package, and so on. Spending more money brings more content; which represents the better value proposition lies with the consumer, and that choice is a good thing.

In terms of content and cache, I'm more of a VW guy, but the quattro option led me to Audi in the mid-90s. When and if VW decides to introduce 4Motion on a far larger scale, their offerings likely will win my business.

In the end, no attempt to hide anything under a bushel exists in the VW/Audi example you raised. However, one questions the intentions of those who simply relabel a cheaper product and up the price tag in the process, or are aware enough of the cache displaying name of their home country brings while making sure not to include the words "Made In".
A Vice-President of VW told me a A4 is a Passat in drag.
IMO what you describe is a placebo effect .
09-13-15: Schubert
A Vice-President of VW told me a A4 is a Passat in drag.
IMO what you describe is a placebo effect.
Is the VP Chris Mortensen? The same guy also twitted "A recent US President received dozens of DUI's and his license was suspended for zero days"
This was posted on a 2008 Audiogon thread: Ayon CD Players: CD-1 and CD-3:

Dear Audiogoners….

I would like to clarify the incorrect information written by Hi Fi + magazine out of the UK. The UK Ayon Audio distributor, Metropolis, has already brought it to the attention of HiFi + magazine, to also include Ayon Audio Austria that they have misinformed their readers.

Ayon Audio products are not engineered in Europe and then manufactured in China as the reviewer wrote in error.
The Ayon Audio product line-up consists of hi-end audio products which are 100% engineered and built at the facility in Gratkorn, Austria. Ayon Audio also manufactures the more value oriented hi-end audio products, based on cutting edge designs, of which parts are sourced from around the globe. Global parts sourced, consist of about 20%, & 80% Austrian.

For more information, please feel free to contact Ayon Audio USA, Charles Harrison directly.

If you are up to it, or you find yourself in Austria, your visit to the Ayon Audio facility is most welcomed, it is very impressive!

Ayon Audio USA
Ayon Audio Austria

Charles Harrison

If that is true, Why didn't Ayon labeled made in Austria instead of just Austria. Sounds like they pride themselves as an Austrian product from your post. Any company would stamp it on their product like Manley's (made in Chino not China) slogan. It's just too contradicting.
Yogi boy, I always thought REL was made in England. It's worse than I thought.
Yogiboy, reading these threads about China is starting to get depressing. Trump says that if he is elected president he will bring back manufacturing jobs to the states. I wonder if this includes audio jobs.
If that is true, Why didn't Ayon labeled made in Austria instead of just Austria.
As a company that makes preamps in the U.S., we understand when companies do not make full declarations of "Made in ______"

This is because we aren't sure that we can say "Made in USA", even though our preamps are
- assembled, soldered and put together entirely by us, in Pennsylvania from the ground up
- circuit board made in Colorado
- entire chassis machined for us in Pennsylvania
- all possible parts sourced from USA companies, including capacitors, wire, transformer, etc
- circuit and chassis designed at workbenches in Pennsylvania
...etc. etc. etc.

The U.S. government restrictions on "Made in USA" include some guy in a dark suit potentially asking us, "where were the tubes made?" Well, *nobody* in the U.S. makes that part anymore. And many similar questions. We don't have the resources to hire lobbyists to obtain clarification from the relevant government agencies, so we don't even try to say it. We just say "Designed and Assembled in USA".
Isn't it a little late to complain about the manifest (end product) when we could have done something about the latent (cause) a long time ago?
As Backertlabs has just said, there is no law requiring any audio manufacturer, distributor or retailer to post, advertise or otherwise communicate where the components of the product are designed, manufactured or assembled.

Audiophiles must now rely on their own ears to tell them whether they like the product. God forbid that anyone is not able to do that and be (wo)man enough to admit to being clueless as to determining the quality of the product without knowing its origins.

With repeated posts like the above, can anyone doubt why there is a reluctance to state the origins of audio products. I wouldn't. From the designer, manufacturer, distributor or retailer's point-of-view, it would be a nightmare to be dragged down by any of these relentless posters into arguing about the origins of their audio product rather than how well it would serve the buyers' needs.
09-18-15: Cantgetnosat
As Backertlabs has just said, there is no law requiring any audio manufacturer, distributor or retailer to post, advertise or otherwise communicate where the components of the product are designed, manufactured or assembled.

Audiophiles must now rely on their own ears to tell them whether they like the product. God forbid that anyone is not able to do that and be (wo)man enough to admit to being clueless as to determining the quality of the product without knowing its origins.

With repeated posts like the above, can anyone doubt why there is a reluctance to state the origins of audio products. I wouldn't. From the designer, manufacturer, distributor or retailer's point-of-view, it would be a nightmare to be dragged down by any of these relentless posters into arguing about the origins of their audio product rather than how well it would serve the buyers' needs.
I bought one and found out the hard way. I saw the prices there and it's nothing like the prices here.

Look at the price in Euro by taking the model you are looking at and put it into google with the word euro and that will take you somewhere to see European retail price. That price includes 20% tax. Deduct the 20% then convert euros to dollars by going to www.xe.com and you'll see what I mean. Should it be higher here? Not 50%. Plus USA Tube Audio sells most of it so they buy at importer cost. Not dealer cost. They get I would guess 30% - 40% lower pricing than any dealer.

I called them about a PrimaLuna and the guy said they could get it for me but didn't recommend it because they had problems with them. After it was all said and done I found out I had been given a hard close sales job. They never sol PrimaLuna.

I like Apple products so made in China is ok if it's quality. A bigger offense is alluding to made in Austria, price-gouging, and defaming another brands dependability.
Therealist, I personally heard high execs of a major European auto maker refer to USA as "the sucker market" .
And in today's news "the suckers" are referring to a major European auto maker as a cheater. What goes around...
We still think we live in a meritocracy and only the best rise to the top and we still tend to trust them to do the right thing, make the right decision. It's only when there's something catastrophic occurring (Katrina) or someone notices something askew (like where a product is made) that we realize that's it's been a ongoing sham, a long con, and we are the dupes.

Today I saw that schmuck that raised the price of his medication 5000% and he could barely hide his smirk when he said it was reasonable. The medicine is 62 years old and there's no generic available? Nice gig if you can get it.

All the best,
Nonoise, wise and so very true.

The reality is that almost every thought most have has was at some time written by a marketer.It seems original to the speaker because they may place things in different order
but still they are the product of a completely brain-washed mind .
Does anyone truly have a brain that is not washed in some way?

Maybe a newborn.

We're all a product of our environment. That's how nature works.

One must choose their filters well.
True, there is nothing new under the sun as the bard is supposed to have said. One must always strive, as a discipline, to think before one speaks simply because we are the sum of all we hear and see and it's difficult not to blurt out the first thing that comes to our conditioned minds.

I think I've mentioned this before but a quick study in semantics would go a long way towards aiding one in recognizing when we're being fed a line (the filter you mention). If one practices enough it can become a built in B.S. meter of sorts. Hayakawa wrote a great book in response to Hitler's takeover of much of Europe with simply a radio.

All the best,
09-23-15: Nonoise
We still think we live in a meritocracy and only the best rise to the top and we still tend to trust them to do the right thing, make the right decision. It's only when there's something catastrophic occurring (Katrina) or someone notices something askew (like where a product is made) that we realize that's it's been a ongoing sham, a long con, and we are the dupes.
Don't blame the politicians but the citizens voted them in office.

Today I saw that schmuck that raised the price of his medication 5000% and he could barely hide his smirk when he said it was reasonable. The medicine is 62 years old and there's no generic available? Nice gig if you can get it.
5000% is a bit of exaggeration?? $750 / $13.5 = 55.55. Maybe at $750, free market will spawn off generics??
Most do not realize that Hitler was NOT elected but appointed Chancellor by the German President thru a loop-hole in the Weimar constitution .
There is a famous study, in historical circles anyway, that show
polls by Milwaukee papers in '33 showed Hitler would have received 40 % of the vote there as opposed to the 29% he did get in Berlin.
About 40% of the German population was really sold on Hitler, but when being ratted out by anyone ,to include you spouse and kids, was a one-way ticket to the camps only the bravest of the brave uttered a peep .
Knghifi, using your numbers it's actually a 5,555% increase in price. Free market economic theory assumes there are an infinite number of interchangeable products. That's clearly not the case with this medicine.
09-24-15: Onhwy61
Knghifi, using your numbers it's actually a 5,555% increase in price. Free market economic theory assumes there are an infinite number of interchangeable products. That's clearly not the case with this medicine.
From what I read, demand for this drug is relative low. So my point is when price is $13.5, there's not enough incentives to create a generic. But at $750, it's possible.
Here's the skinny on the drug in question and others that have seen price hikes and the people behind them. After reading the article, it makes me feel we've lost our souls along the way.

This guy, Martin Shkreli, is a real piece of work. He's made it nearly impossible for generics to be made by tightly controlling distribution. In a better world he'd be in prison.

He also lobbied the FDA to not approve drugs whose stock he was shorting as a broker. He acquired another drug and raised the prices so he could pay back some very wealthy but angry investors from the proceeds because of poor hedge fund performance. He's under investigation for that one.

The sad part is nothing will happen to him. Nothing.

All the best,
Actually, something just did happen to him. He was hacked and his phone number and address were made public.

Somebody up there was listening. :-)

All the best,
Ayon Audio's declaration that their product are made in Australia is 7+ years old. A lot happens in manufacturing in 7 years.
I just don't feel like my Ayon experience was "clean". It feels rather slimy. Bugatti. Right.