best preamps

can someone recommend best preamps

Showing 4 responses by wolf_garcia

I don't have THAT many $k's (for the purposes of this conversation anyway...don't wanna trigger an audit)...remember the aforementioned Santa Cruz? Cocobolo my sneakers away. And it has to be pointed out often that it's way more fun to find relatively inexpensive great sounding stuff than arbitrarily emptying your pockets in the direction of an Audio Salon "Professional." 
I'm ashamed about my Schiit's not expensive enough to be taken seriously, and although it sounds fabulous it engenders scorn and shunning by high end audio geeks who spend multiples of its cost on other things...I mentioned it at Goodwin's recently and several sales dudes had to be restrained from physically attacking me...fortunately my attorney got a gigantic settlement from them, and now I can get that ARC reference I always wanted thus restoring what's left of my credibility. However, I decided to keep the Freya and bought another Santa Cruz guitar instead. Credibility Schmedibility!
Speaking of pedestals...I recently noticed that somebody is marketing a turntable pedestal...sort of like a  3 foot high speaker stand, but for turntables. That is simply the worst idea I've see in a while, and I'm glad I've been given an opportunity to mention it. Now, back to the previously scheduled program.