Bought an NAD 3020. Question for the experts here!

So I purchased my first piece of vintage equipment.  Here is my question... do I leave the amp on all the time to keep warm for listening or do I turn on/off as I listen to it?

Thank you for your input.
Can you send me a PM with the name of the service center or tech that performs restoration and recapping services on NAD gear?  I own the 3040 as well as a 2150 and may wish to have them updated in the future.  Thanks.
Thank you.  I think that is the best/safest plan.  
Time to start listening!  :)


Perhaps I should just turn it on an hour or so before I know I will be listening and then turn off each time?

Good Plan. Maybe leave it on a bit more once you know it is working properly, post rebuild, and you are sure it is safe. Especially leave it powered on a bit longer if you know you are going to sit down to do some critical listening.

Enjoy the amp......
Sorry, I should have mentioned that the amp was just completely restored, recapped and serviced.  
I would like it to last a long time so I certainly do not want to harm it by leaving it on all of the time.  Perhaps I should just turn it on an hour or so before I know I will be listening and then turn off each time?
If it is the original edition then that is an old amp!  I own the 3040 of the same vintage and use it in my garage to power outdoor speakers.  Mine has never needed repair in the 35 years I have owned it and it survives 90+ degree heat in the summer and freezing temperatures in the winter.  I try and turn it on/off when using/not using it but sometimes leave it on for a couple of days unintentionally.

I can provide two observations, first, my amp has handled many, many on/off cycles without fail and, second, a 35-year old amp can fail at any time.  One last thing, because it does get slightly warm and because it is so old, I would probably opt for turning on/off. 

If I recall correctly, the amp you bought was just fully refurbished, correct? Because it was just redone, I wouldn't leave it on when if I we're not around to keep an eye on it, at least for a few weeks. After that, if you're certain it is in good/safe operating condition, I would leave it on days when you think you'll be listening to it and turn it off when you are going to be away for day/days at a time.

Not sure there is any correct answer. You might want to do a little experimenting and see how it sounds cold/warm/hot and make a sound quality decision. If there is no obvious sound quality difference, turn it off when not in use.

Enjoy your new (old) amp.......