CD players - Luxman vs. Esoteric?

I am considering a stereo system with either a Luxman (D-06 or DU-08) or Esoteric X-05 CD player.

Any thoughts on how Luxman compares to Esoteric?



Showing 17 responses by toronto416

It is not possible to demo any Luxman cd players in my city, nor is it possible to compare Luxman to Esoteric.

Like many people, I would have to make a special order and buy a Luxman cdp sight unseen.

I have seen and played with the Esoteric X-05, but I am wondering how performance, build quality, and transport compares to the similarly priced Luxman D-06.



The Esoteric X-05 has received a lot of good critical press, but Luxman cd players seem to be less well known.

How do these two brands compare?



In my city there are three Esoteric dealers and only one Luxman dealer (but no Luxman cdp on display).

I have seen, touched, and listened to the Esoteric X-05 and admired its excellent transport. I have only been able to see Luxman cdp on the web. How does the transport sound and feel when you open the drawer, and how does it compare to Esoteric? That is not a question I can answer, nor can I hear it play music.

As you say, Esoteric is the path of least resistance. I could do worse.


There are seven different models imported into North America:

Luxman even makes the transport for the three newest models (D-05, D-06, D-08).

I imagine that in the Japanese market they compete head-to-head with Esoteric, offering several models at similar price points.


I have found 3 reviews of the Luxman D-06 in Chinese.

They can be found at the bottom of the page in the link below:

Can anybody comment on the general drift or conclusions of these reviews?


I heard the Esoteric X-05 in a very revealing system today, and I was very impressed.


The Audio Excellence Award 2010 recipients were announced in Japan. The Luxman D-06 cdp received a Silver Prize, and the Esoteric SA-50 a Bronze:
I am on the verge of buying a system from a dealer that carries some Luxman, but I do not have the opportunity to audition the Luxman cdp or compare it to an Esoteric, hence this thread. There is also scant information out there on the new Luxman cdps.

As I have heard the Esoteric, and would also consider the equivalent Luxman, I am curious to know if anyone has heard the Luxman D-06 or D-05 and/or compared them to the Esoteric X-05.

I am considering Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation speakers driven by a Luxman integrated amp (590Aii or v509u). The one Luxman dealer in my city does not yet have a Luxman cdp on demo, but I have heard the equivalent Esoteric elsewhere in a comletely different system, and it sounded wonderful. Given the lack of info, feedback, or reviews of the Luxman cdp, I am a little hesitant to buy one sight unseen as opposed to the highly regarded Esoteric X-05. Luxman and Esoteric compete head-on in the Japanese market, but in North America Luxman is not as well established.

So to put it simply, if I buy a Luxman cdp, the whole system comes from one dealer, but I do not have enough of a comfort level to just go ahead sight unseen on the cdp at this point.

The Luxman amps that I have seen (and heard) are wonderfully musical and meticulously built, so I imagine that the cdps are built to a high standard as well. I just wish I had more to go on, otherwise I will play it safe and but the Esoteric X-05.


It sounds like the Wadia 381, at around $7K, should also be considered. It is Redbook only cdp (no SACD), but then again most of my cds are Redbook only...

Has anyone compared it to the Esoteric X-05?


Thanks Andrew.

Though I cannot yet audition them, I am leaning towards either the DU-80 or the newer D-06 (which the local dealer will shortly have on demo). The DU-80 has certainly received some rave reviews, especially for its fluid musicality and build quality.

How do you find the quality of the transport mechanism? I beleive that the DU-80 uses a modified Pioneer transport. Luxman now makes their own transport mechanism for the D-05, D-06, and D-08.

I have auditioned one of the Luxman integrated amps, and the sound and build quality were outstanding. I will order either a 509u or a 590Aii.

Esoteric has penetrated the North American cd player market to a much greater extent than Luxman, so it is encouraging to hear some positive feedback as I get the sense that Luxman does make outstanding cdps.


Thanks Mordante, this is exactly the combination that I am considering, and the reason for this thread given that I have never even seen a Luxman cdp. I have seen and listened to one of their integrated amps, and if they build cdps the same way, they must be serious machines indeed.


I have ordered a Luxman 509u integrated amp and a Luxman D-06 cdp. I am sure that I will be happy :-)
I have been enjoying the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovations for several months now, driven by the Luxman 509u integratd amp and Luxmn D-06 cdp. As a system it sounds wonderful, and the electronics match well with the speakers.

I enjoy classical music (piano, chamber) and jazz. I listen to a lot of solo piano, and I often feel like there is an actual Steinway D playing live in front of me.

Interestingly Redbook can sound as good as SACD to me when it is well recorded. Some Chandos and Hyperion recordings from the early 90's sound superb.

To be honest, I have stopped listening to the equipment and worrying about individual components. I now lose myself in the music and thirst to hear more. This is a system that conveys the essence of well played music.
The Luxman D-06 is an outstanding cdp, and I prefer its sound to the more "clinical" sound of Esoteric.

The new Luxman cd players are superbly engineered, exquisitely built, and they sound wonderful. They are a step up!
I think that it would be fair to say that both Esoteric and Luxman make excellent cd players, and they are comparable at their respective price points - sort of like BMW vs. Mercedes.

Preference probably boils down to a matter of taste.