Coherent Speakers from Canada

Hi. I am quite interested in this line of speakers, especially the 10" and 12" models..has anyone had experience with them? or currently running them? The only place I see them for sale is from a dealer in Canada, Audiowise....any info would be appreciated.


Showing 13 responses by charles1dad

This speaker brand has received very good show reviews/reports at the Canadian TAVES particularly from 6 Moons. The designer Frank Fazzalari is quite regarded. It is apparently an easy to drive speaker,  6 Moons said it sang in a large room with a 10 watt amplifier. I'm interested in your listening impressions in due time. 
Congratulations on your new speakers, being this pleased with them at this early juncture is very encouraging. Based on their design and what I’ve been able to read about them they seem to be very well executed. I look forward to further listening impressions from you.

I’ve been an advocate of efficient easy to drive speakers and SET/low power amplifiers for quite some time. I can appreciate yours and Wolf’s happiness with this choice. . Done correctly it can result in superb natural sound.
Hi rwanda, 
It seems that at most of the audio shows the Coherent speaker is mated to  the highly regarded Triode Labs 2A3 SET amplifier with apparently stellar results.  What amplifier are you using with these speakers?
I have the Coincident Frankenstein MK II SET amplifier and use the EML XLS.  You obviously have superb taste! 😊  It is a fantastic tube and I bet that your system sounds absolutely wonderful. 
The type of music you listen to requires an audio system capable of providing a very organic and realistic presentation. No doubt that this wonderful genre of music sounds devine in your home. West Coast jazz horn players ? Oh yea! 😊
Hi rwanda, 
You wrote that you listen to digital 50% of the time. What is your digital source? I look forward to further listening impressions of these very interesting speakers. 
Thanks for the reply.  The Audio Aero Capitole has universal praise for very natural high caliber sound quality. 
There are apparently 2 models, both are coaxial.  The 8GR (8 Inch driver) 21 inch tall (monitor) and the floor standing model which can be built with a 10, 12 or 15 inch woofer-midrange driver. All of the models seem to use the 1.75 inch tweeter. I bet that this speaker line sounds wonderful.
Can't argue with Wolf's assessment of the  web site quality .   However by all accounts I'm aware of the speakers sound just beautiful and are very easy to drive. I'd put up with the former to get the latter 😊.
Well it seems as though he (Frank) is quite accessible via email and he is very busy building speakers for customers. So it appears that orders are being placed and fulfilled.  This is the classic one man operation predicament.  No doubt he could use an additional helping hand with a growing business.  I suspect he's acutely aware of this and will "eventually " sort it out. I'm rooting for anyone who manufactures quality high efficiency speakers (reasonably priced) that work successfully with low power amplifiers. 
Thanks for the update Mr. Garcia will be tickled pink I’m sure 😂.
I hope to hear these speakers some day. They are understated but seem to be very well designed and executed.  The fact that they are easily driven with a 3 watt 2A3 SET amplifier confirms the easy speaker load which is always a good attribute in my opinion. I suspect that the sound quality is very  natural and high level. 
I wish you luck. My gut feeling is that these are excellent speakers and I suspect that you’ll be very happy with them. Looking forward to your listening impressions. 6 Moons did a show report on this speaker and they were reportedly exceptionally good sounding. 