Coherent Speakers from Canada

Hi. I am quite interested in this line of speakers, especially the 10" and 12" models..has anyone had experience with them? or currently running them? The only place I see them for sale is from a dealer in Canada, Audiowise....any info would be appreciated.

Hi rwanda, 
You wrote that you listen to digital 50% of the time. What is your digital source? I look forward to further listening impressions of these very interesting speakers. 
Hi all,

Not trying to diss anyone else's speakers Wolf_Garcia, I just happen to love these especially after my Blumenhofer FS 3 whihc I sold when I left the right the left coast.
My digital source is an Audio Aero Capitole MK II se....I have had many but this one fits best since my Bluenote Stibbert died a year or so ago...that player was heaven but had a finicky transport.
I use all Synergistic Research Looking Glass wires...bought them about 20 years ago and still love them with this gear....In the end am still looking for music...mostly Art Pepper and Gerry Mulligan, but lately Dollar Brand.......and many many others....

The biggest challenge is that I am in a new has little in the way of rugs or furniture so that it can be bright, at least it was with my Odeon Monitor speakers (back up pair ) and once I started listening to the Coherent those problems largely disappeared....

Thanks for the reply.  The Audio Aero Capitole has universal praise for very natural high caliber sound quality. 
Audio Aero is a dream...I had the Lector 7CDP tl , it was quite nice but not as resolving or even across the felt a little "dark" with the whole system....but was also an excellent the past mostly used Naim players.
As you can see I prefer tube CD units as these more closely approximate Vinyl.....and sometimes there is not the time or energy to put on an I go to my CD's....
I have enjoyed this hobby for some time and continue too....I typically have a cut off financially as to what I can commit and try to stick by it....I know it is all too easy to keep upping the ante...and in the end it is the music that counts and pleasure from the system.
Today I heard a lot of ggreat music on a friends system...Rega Cd player and vintage MArantz was lovely....