hello to all, just contributing my two cents to this string. i recently bought a puccini and have heard it in two other settings with and without clock. the first time was at a dealer and i did perceive a improvement in body and smoothness with the clock. the quality of this system was in fact so good (isn't this often the case at the dealer!) that it motivated me to buy the puccini in the first place. the second time i heard the clock was in another audiophile's system. in his system i could barely notice the difference. my tentative conclusion is that you need to have everything dialed way up (the dealer used all Valhalla) to get the most of the benefit, and that at this level, other tweaks: upgrading to highest end interconnect, power cord, speaker cables, etc. may provide equal, or greater benefit. I am open to your views....
regarding dealer comments re: clock cable, forgive me for not being surprised that said dealer insists that sonic benefits continue to accrue as cable price goes up (!)