
Responses from keiserrg

Budget of $30K. Help me build a system
Just going to suggest to you perhaps a radical departure from your current approach:If you sort through the very high end systems on audiogon, you will find the system is often built around the front-end, the opposite of what you suggest (the spea... 
Original DSD/SACD recordings?
Thanks for replying Amfibius! I am trying to expand my collection of high end recordings and your recommendation is a great start! 
Best Integrated, period.
I would second trelja's comment that I was slightly surprised not to find jadis at least in the running. I have not heard the gryphon but have heard wonderful things. the jadis da88s is also a very involving amplifier, which i pair with sonus fabe... 
Integrated amp for my Sonus Faber Guarneri
imo, the best integrated amp for the g's is the jadis da88s. that is what i run. you have a great ss amp with the old version of the rowland, but you should test drive the jadis. ps, when sf debuted the guarneris over a decade agao, they chose jad... 
dCS Puccini CD transport noise
Update: thanks to dcs which provided me extraordinary care and went above and beyond to solve a problem that neither they, nor i created, my puccini is back, running and sounds great! to follow up on the current thread. if i put in something very ... 
New dCS Puccini 1,21 version
hi Elberoth,can you please elaborate on point 2: "The performance in DSD mode has been improved" ? do you know how?thank you! 
dCS Puccini CD transport noise
hi. i own the puccini and have also had transport issues. as you know both the puccini and the scarlatti have esoteric transports, though they are of different qualities. there are a number of relevant posts and many users of the scarlatti on this... 
Wadia 381 vs. dcs Puccini vs. EmmLabs CDSA SE
The only thing i would like to add to this discussion is a to a comment made by Jon2020: "Music would be sold in memory cards like SD, not as physical spinning discs. No more transport problems or disadvantages of hard drives with their moving par... 
dcs puccini software upgrade
thanks lenny and will do! 
dcs Puccini break-in
just a friendly echo of Mert's comment. I have been skeptical of the purported gains of power cords for a long time and noticed a sonic improvement from my puccini when I introduced a dedicated line conditioner (foundation research LC-1). 
dCS Puccini Clock
just adding my two cents here: when you go to the u-clock page on the dcs website all pictures show the clock under the puccini in a stack. this is unusual to me because i would think stacking would create more vibration than not. the dealer where... 
what is the best power cable for the dCS Puccini
I concur with foster_9.I am using an old foundation research dedicated line conditinoner on mine with good results.Best wishes 
dCS Puccini Clock
hello to all, just contributing my two cents to this string. i recently bought a puccini and have heard it in two other settings with and without clock. the first time was at a dealer and i did perceive a improvement in body and smoothness with th... 
Best integrated for SF Guarneri Homage?
This has been discussed many times in previous posts. Consider Jadis, BAT and Gryphon. I use Jadis DA88S with nice results. 
best classical redbook cds for strings and piano
These are some great suggestions and thank you all very much!