European Vibraplane?

I was trying to find an EU analog of the Vibraplane and came across Iso-Plate from Thor Labs:

The specs look a bit worse then Vibraplane 2210 (resonant freq. is said to be at 3.5max vs 2.5Hz). The pricing, esp. without the breadboard is aceptable. I'm wondering if anyone has tried it?


Showing 6 responses by sksos1

Albert is correct you can get them used for significantly less than new but WARNING!!!! Over 12 customers have bought used recently and every Vibraplane came damaged ( one guy bought several extra just to use for parts). These used VPs carry no warranty and most needed 1 or 2 isolators replaced at a cost of $450 per isolator. Customers get very upset when they find out the cost of replacement parts so just want to make sure all are aware.
Best of luck and please make sure they ship them in their original packing.
Lharasim, the Vibraplane isolates in BOTH the vertical and horizontal planes.
Just an FYI. The Vibraplane units made for SOS has 7 upgrades over a standard microscope Vibraplane. Things like added dampening under the top plate and skirt just to name 2. Do they sound the same? No, close but the ones for audio are sonically ahead of the standard units.
Bydlo I understand all to well about shipping costs, even shipping these within the USA we charge customers between $175 - $225 so what we quoted you was extremely reasonable. It still adds that much more to the price and we haven't talked about import taxes at your end!
Actusreus you must be talking about another platform and NOT the Vibraplane. We don't charge any sales tax on ANY equipment we sell (Thanks to the wonderful State of NH, Live Free or Die!) and second we only charge actual shipping charges and in fact offered to pay over 1/3 of the shipping costs to Poland, yes still expensive but have you ever tried shipping something that weighs almost 185 pounds from point A in the USA to point B? (UPS and FedUp have a 150 load limit).

(Dealer disclaimer)
Actusreus an active Vibraplane sells for $2500 (not including the compressor) and a passive Vibraplane sells for $2250.