European Vibraplane?

I was trying to find an EU analog of the Vibraplane and came across Iso-Plate from Thor Labs:

The specs look a bit worse then Vibraplane 2210 (resonant freq. is said to be at 3.5max vs 2.5Hz). The pricing, esp. without the breadboard is aceptable. I'm wondering if anyone has tried it?

Actusreus how would buying in US then shipping from one private consumer to another save money? Most large companies that do a lot of shipping get discounts of 10-40% off regular shipping costs from us mere mortals!
Because the price of the platform is much lower in the US to begin with. If you then have someone located in a different state buy it, you will also save on the sales tax. I also expect that shipping would be less than what the company would charge as they generally use standard service that might not always be the most economical way to ship.
Actusreus you must be talking about another platform and NOT the Vibraplane. We don't charge any sales tax on ANY equipment we sell (Thanks to the wonderful State of NH, Live Free or Die!) and second we only charge actual shipping charges and in fact offered to pay over 1/3 of the shipping costs to Poland, yes still expensive but have you ever tried shipping something that weighs almost 185 pounds from point A in the USA to point B? (UPS and FedUp have a 150 load limit).

(Dealer disclaimer)
Steve, I very much appreciate your offer but I turned it down not only because of the still high cost even after your rebate, but, most importantly, because of the EU draconic customs. I take it as a point of honor not to pay any customs, taxes etc I can to the hands of the, so called, "authorities" and cretins alike, but in the case of a direct airport shipping of such a massive piece this would be unavoidable. I'm very much looking into Newport's CM-225 isolators that Peterayer pointed to, in a diy skirt+plate construction.

I'm talking about the Newport platform. I don't know how much a Vibraplane is since you never answered that question in this thread. From the legal standpoint, I don't see how he would have to pay customs since the purchase would take place within the US. So a much lower price, no sales tax, and no customs. There is the issue of shipping to be sure, but I shipped a big mountain bike to Poland from NYC once and it was not prohibitively expensive. I know people would also ship big TV sets to Poland years ago, which arrived just fine. Obviously he would have to trust the person and the person would have to be willing to go to such great lengths to help him, but it is doable.