Full Range under $5k-ish

So the time has finally come to upgrade my speakers. I mainly listnm
 to vinyl with the occasional CD or AM/FM radio.

Here is my current setup:
Clearaudio Concept w/Concept MM
Parasound Halo P5
2 x Carver TFM-35x (bi-amp)
Definitive Technology BP-2002TL

I would like to stay under the $5k-ish mark. 

Showing 1 response by audionoobie

The Legacy Signatures are ridonkulous!!! I could only afford them used but there are none currently available.....

Vandersteen Treo CT is awesome if you can find a set used.

I've heard that JBLs rawk!!!!    \m/  \m/

My Kef R11s also do a nice job.

So many great options!!!

Best of luck,