Golden ear triton 1 vs tekton double impact speakers

With so much positive information about both do you have a preference? Have you heard both?
The GE's aren't the product of a DIY'er feigning professionalism badly. That's a convincing selling point to me. 
As a fan of the triton series and owner of both the fives and ones, I am very interested in hearing thoughts about the double impacts. From personal experience it's unwise to get trapped into a "my speaker is best mindset" so I love to try new things that come highly recommended by fellow audiogoners.

I'm particularly interested in the tweeter array, which I've hear resembles the dispersion of good old horn loaded speakers. Has anyone been able to compare the sound to horns? I'm a long time fan of horns but don't like the large size and aesthetics. The even higher sensitivity than the tritons is also appealing since I really like sound of 300B tubes. Has anyone tried the DI's with low powered SET amps?

As far as the tritons go, I have found them very forgiving with regards to placement to rear or side walls. The most important thing I have found is getting as close to a right triangle as possible, with the tweeters pointing just behind my ears. Interesting that a lot of people above preferred them with SS. I tried a couple SS that weren't by any means spectacular and preferred tubes. Push pull amps gave more pleasing and realistic colors to the sound, but with muted dynamics and slower energy. Then I tried the line magnetic lm-518ia 845 SET and it really seemed to bring the best of both worlds. Of course what I really mean is it fit my personal preferences and, to me, made the tritons the most lifelike.

That being said I would still like to try the tektons, and if they are indeed as similar in strengths as it sounds from others comments, it would make them an even better bargain.

The GE's aren't the product of a DIY'er feigning professionalism badly. That's a convincing selling point to me.

That’s the least convincing selling point I’ve ever heard. It’s feigning a rational appeal. Badly.
^ Sandy Gross doesn't even qualify as a "DIY'er." Even though Eric makes some outlandish claims, at least he has some real engineering cred.