Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.

Showing 8 responses by gdhal

Roger, please allow me to preface this post by admitting that the technical content of this post is a bit "over-my-head". That said, I did have a peak at your website products, but have not read your white-paper. While it is conceivable you are a "genius" and truly have developed something cutting-edge or beyond "normal human comprehension", it is also conceivable neither one are the case.

I have read numerous posts on this site from mapman, and frankly consider his input rather informative and in many respects on par with my way of thinking. It is because he has chosen to "engage you" that I have even more interest in this topic.

At face value, I would be inclined to think that the technology you have used in order to build a consumer grade product would be better suited for the scientific community. Moreover, you have priced your products at a point where there seemingly has been some kind of compromise (i.e. some sacrifice in sound and/or design quality in order to maintain a price point where you can still "sell" and have a "business".) So even if THD is zero, and assuming that is discernible to the human ear/brain, there are many other variables at work here that matter (theoretically or practically). 

While I certainly would be interested in hearing, seeing and otherwise interacting with your products, this is likely not possible/practical for me at the moment, but I look forward to hearing/reading more in the future as your product/design etc. gains some presumably well deserved recognition. I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
I'm was honestly trying to be just a "fly-on-the-wall" here.

I had an opportunity just now to read the white paper. Among other things I could disagree with, one in particular is the assertion that "air medium has no obstacles". Perhaps I am misunderstanding the context or usage, but since we are already splitting hairs, what about the micro-climate (i.e. variable temperature change) that exists in air between the orchestra and listener? What about other sounds ( a person sneezing) that occur or physical "occupation of space" such as a person rising out of their seat? Is that distorting the wave object?

On to the electrical end, is the wave object really effected all that much in today's modern equipment? And if it can be successfully argued that yes, it is, will "correcting" it make any - even the slightest - difference? If yes to that, then what happens when the two speakers (assuming two channels) are not precisely (as in less than 1000th of an inch) aligned and distanced from the listeners ears? Is distortion re-introduced?
Thanks you for the response Roger. I suppose the center stage being off left-right does make sense. Given the level of information you have included in this thread, it probably would have been more efficient had you included all of this in your white paper. In any case, as I originally stated the technical content of this post is a bit "over-my-head". Perhaps that is my loss as I enjoy the hobby and love the music! Peace and best of luck gaining whatever traction you need/want to have your equipment/design principles be as ubiquitous as possible. 
Xaviercg, if what you state is in fact the case, in a way that would belie what Roger has indicated as a reply to my post where I asked if speaker placement even if off in the slightest would adversely effect distortion, etc.
mapman12,861 posts02-27-2016 12:22pmAnyone is free to talk about whatever they want.  

There  is validity to the theory that any publicity is good publicity compared to none at all.  

True, however, wrong information is worse than no information. :)
ddraudt443 posts02-29-2016 12:55pmWelcome to the Geoff Kiat  unwanted opinions blog
This is only because the topic title was mistakenly entered as "Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?" instead of "Has anyone ever read about the new North American products preamp and amp?"

tbg OP5,165 posts02-29-2016 2:19pmgdhal, why would you say this? It is true that there are many who haven't heard it but many other than me have. None have had anything bad to say about it. Does that bother you as it does someone else on this thread?

If you want an honest answer, I was merely trying to inject a little humor in this otherwise beaten-to-death topic. My sincere apology if there was any offense taken. Realistically there shouldn’t be.

The overwhelming majority of this discussion is over-my-head from a technical perspective, as I stated much earlier in the thread. Admittedly, I cannot say for sure whether or not this is all a bunch of BS or the next best discovery since sliced bread, but I can say for certain that I really do not care. I know my audio system sounds great and have listened to many other high end systems, some into the six-figures. I can’t imagine how the product being discussed here would make any noticeable difference that a human ear can perceive, however, perhaps there could be theoretical advantages that can be measured scientifically. To this extent I remain curious.

Suffice it to say I am wise enough to know that if it were truly the case that there is in fact a revelation here, there would be no need to attempt to prove it by virtue of this forum.

I've gone further to state this is something for shark tank. Think about it, I'm not far off the concept. This product needs investors and at least one patent. Have you tried licensing? I'm sure companies that do audio equipment manufacturing have an engineering staff that would buy into whatever new ideas can reap a sonic benefit and, jest I forget, a profit.

In all likelihood, whatever audience that may have been interested in this product(s) and/or technology, science, break-through, etc. has probably been turned-off (no further pun intended) by now.