hearing loss from compressed music

I found this article on n mp3 website about digital compression for sound cusing possible ear damage. This might be enough for me to completly abandone mp3 which i have been using in place of radio for background music. Wht do you think?
If it's rock music, it also causes drug use, satanism, and general moral decay. Probably brain damage, too, which is why I still like it.
Interesting, even though I am not qualified to prove the concept one way or the other.

I understand the point about data compression and losses. Certainly I hate the effect that process has on music quality. Consider too, until VERY recently, every sound perceived by human beings since the beginning of time was analog.

If this guy is right, it would not be the first time we altered our environment in a way that damaged our health and well being.
I would speculate that hearing loss is caused by decible levels alone. The theory of digital compressed music hearing loss is possibly based on the increasing use of portable CD and MP3 players being used with headphones at high listening levels(IMHO).
"even though I am not qualified to prove the concept one way or the other"
Albert, neither seems the author of that article. All he does is formulating a hypothesis, although he doesn't explicitly say so. As with any hypothesis this is subject to verification or falsification. And although it is an interesting concept, I doubt, anybody will do research on it anytime soon.
Yes, his learning about the subject derives from some very elementary sources and he extracts tantalizing tidbits from the interpretations, not the results, of some cutting-edge studies.
I am not overly alarmed by the article and agree there will probably not be research devoted to it. In fact, I will allow my son to listen to his MP3 files, even though I am very protective of him.

I am however, a believer in the idea that "nothing is free." We often set traps with our technology, and discover them only after we've damaged ourselves.
i find the mentioned web page to be totally without merit. it is not science at all, not even correct basic (although complex) biology. perhaps much was lost in the translation.
makes about as much sense as vision and/or brain damage from black and white tv's, or a bad color set.
imho only.
It is interesting to note that there is another health related article hosted on the same website warning us that "it is extremely dangerous that many wide spread fluorescent light tubes emmit a pink tinted light"...
Maybe MP3 files cause "hearing disability". Especially to those who can't hear the difference in the first place. If somebody thinks MP3 sounds fine, maybe they've got existing damage that is undetected.

Black and white TV is fine--- If you're watching a black and white movie.

MP3 is fine--- If you don't know how good it CAN sound.
Regardless of the storage format, what comes out of the speakers/headphones is analog (or at least it is down to quantum levels), just as much so from an MP3 as any pristine Sheffield Labs LP. Claiming that "until VERY recently, every sound perceived by human beings since the beginning of time was analog" is misleading.

If there's a hearing loss, it comes from decibels, as mentioned by Calvin1.
This leads me to 4 questions:

1-Would upsampling mp3 media prevent "tin ear" and "tinitus"?

2-Would upsampling regular cd media improve hearing?

3-Does SACD and DVD-A improve hearing?

4-Does vinyl degrade hearing as well?
Hearhere, humans have been on earth for a very long time, remember that the automobile, television and all that we consider "old" technology is VERY recent.

My comment that all sounds falling on human ears since the beginning of time is accurate, or do you rule out song birds, waterfalls and thunder as analog sounds? All of our technology, including all recorded and played back media, occurred a few seconds ago in the time line of humanity.
Albertporter, I did not say that your comment was inaccurate, just quite misleading. When you say ". . . until VERY recently . . .", you are clearly implying that some sounds perceived now are not analog in nature.

I'd really love to know of some examples of these sounds which are not analog. And before you say MP3s, CDs or some other digitally-STORED format, anything derived from those formats is pure 100% analog after passing through the DAC. In a very real sense, the signals are analog before the DAC as well.
Obviously your view and mine of what constitutes real analog are very far apart. As usual, there seems to be no subject on which we agree.
Albert -

We're really just arguing semantics here, not a big deal.

Our views of digital technology are, as you say, pretty far apart. However, in the broader world - including much of the world of audio - I suspect that there is actually a great deal upon which we'd agree. If you're going to be at CES this week, perhaps we could find out over a drink or two?