Help me discover some new music...

Hi, Gang,

My rig is finally at a level that I don't feel a great need to invest in new gear. Rather, I'm looking for new music to discover. I feel like I'm listening to a lot of the "same old stuff."

I listen to mostly rock and pop, with a little orchestral/soundtrack music thrown in and a bit of jazz, too.

Here's what I know and love:

Steely Dan (including Becker and Fagen solo efforts)
James Taylor
Dire Straits
Bonnie Raitt
Paul Simon
Some classical Chesky LP's
Joe Jackson
Ingrid Michaelson
Blood, Sweat and Tears
Earth Wind and Fire

,,, and a lot of other things I'm not thinking of right now.

Anybody want to be my "Pandora" and suggest things I should check out? Great music is primary, but great sonics also appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Showing 4 responses by donjr

I agree with Viridian that you might want to check out some new genres. If you find one you enjoy, it will open your mind to even more great music. My list used to look like yours and that music has been out of rotation for awhile in my house.

You've got a very nice system and you need more female vocals. Since Melody Gardot is not on your list, you should get her new release 'The Absence'. This is her third release and depending on who you are it's her best or her worst effort. That's why you should start with this one. You have nothing to compare it to. I happen to know it's her best. lol (no, seriously)

You should also check out Cassandra Wilson's new release 'Another Country'. Cassandra is one of the most talented musicians of all time. This nicely produced release features the amazing jazz guitar work of Fabrizio Sotti.Very guitar driven and romantic.

For some rock, I really like Alabama Shakes debut 'Boys & Girls'. The lead singer, Brittany Howard, has a voice somewhere in between Janis Joplin and Otis Redding.

I have to agree with Toddnkaya that there really is a lot of great new music out there. The only issue is that so many people listen to the same old stuff or bad pop music, the great new artists don't get any radio play. I listen to NPR and my local public radio station because they're the ones spinning the great new artists. Try listening to Mountain Stage or World Cafe. I actually think things are getting better, not worse. You just need to know where to look. NPR Music is a great app if you have an iPhone.
Rok. There's not going to be a replacement. Rock was a new genre for these bands. They set the bar. Do you really want more of the same old same old?

Many of the artists you mention we're influenced by American blues artists. The musicians of today are influenced by so much more. Since the 60's the music scene has changed for the better thanks to artists like Paul Simon, Peter Gabriel, David Byrne etc. (and countless more). If it wasn't for David Byrne I wouldn't know a thing about all the amazing Brazilan artists that fill my home with music. If it weren't for ACDC the Alabama Shakes debut album may have never come to fruition. The Rolling Stones best album 'exile in main street' would have never been recorded had it not been for musicians like Sonny Boy Williams and Howlin' Wolf. Can you see how this plays out? If everyone tried to copy Three Dog Night and Bob Dylan we'd all be falling asleep to cover bands in front of our stereos. Move on my friend. I don't want to come across as being a jerk but you could stand to follow this thread if you're still listening to The Doors and The Who. They had their moments in music history and that's exactly what it is. History.
I understand what you're saying Rok. There's only so many combinations of riffs, chords, scales etc. if we're only talking about rock, there's been some stand outs I could think of. Did you ever hear of a band called Morphine from the 90's? They were groundbreaking. How about Jack White?

There's still people composing classical music. I live in a city with one of the top music schools in the U.S. Its the Eastman School of Music. Renee Fleming is one of our claims to fame. We just started a school of pop music ( the first in the world) in hopes to inject some actual musical talent back into pop music. We have to invest in our future. The best you and I can do is to not watch the talent shows on television. Buy the music of the talented few. Support good musicians by attending their shows. This world is changing fast and it looks like we can no longer sit back and wait for the next great artist. We have to demand it and support it. I can already see what budget cuts in the arts is doing to this world. Part of my hobbie in hifi is an investment in the future of our artists, no matter what country they're from. It was in fact music that got me to this forum. Not my hifi.