High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
Just to add, of course the generalizations themselves might be usually if not always wrong, but the particular inferences they license usually true. There are black swans, so they aren't all white. But the next one you see will be.
Interesting marketing. Most women don't want to spend this kind of money on a stereo system - certainly not $70K on speakers alone. A niche market perhaps for successful career women who love home stereo or have husbands/boyfriends who are the ones who this is really aimed at. Unfortunately given the current economic times, that niche market will get even smaller.
if you keep an open mind and consider each experience for what it is and do all of the analysis you can, you will make an intelligent decision in a stochastic world.

generalizations often over simplify and lead to erroneous decisions.

you ask "what else is there" ? the answere is confidence, after assessing all of the variables.

in audio, confidence comes from auditioning a component in one's stereo system. all else is risk.
I want to meet pookie10 - the concepts presented above seems to suggest a purely mythical being which if she did exist would be almost impossible for mere human audiophiles to deal with. Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, aliens, and pookie10 - do they REALLY exist.
From Stereolady's website: "I can tell you, even the most expensive systems probably cost less then the money most women throw at other stress relievers!"
What are these other stress relievers?
For all you lovely ladies reading this post:
I used to think I was an expensive "stress reliever".
Though, now, I suspect the opposite is true. I'm an expensive "stress generator"! And I'll bet that goes for a lot of these other guys, as well. (Especially, the ones with those stinky, obnoxious, cigar-smoky posts.)
I'm not quite sure why you women put up with us. My theory is that men are like puppies, sloppy, not too bright, but oh-so-adorable, so goofy, so silly-sweet.
Once you hold the right one in your arms, you just can't help but want to keep him and take him home.
And, while he might not be house-broken, yet, you're just sure he'll learn, if you teach him right. . .
Though most never really do learn to stop peeing on the floor, you can't help loving and keeping and caring for them, anyway.
That way they get scampering-crazy when they see you. And, ooh, that way they wag their tails! (The good ones, anyway.)
Sure, some run away. Some just get lost. But, you know they'd be lost without you.
They get kind of smelly, if you don't make sure they get a bath. Many can barely feed themselves. They shed. (And, some, one day, shed, completely.)
But, you'll love them till their teeth fall out and cry when they are gone.

Me? Sometimes, I think I'm nothing but a nuisance. I wouldn't recommend myself to anyone. I should come with a disclaimer.
I'm very lucky to be loved and to be able to give love, in return.
We all want to be cared for. And, we all need someone to care about. Whether we know it, or not. (People who only care about themselves, eventually, don't care about anything at all.)

I've looked at your site, StereoLady. Those are pretty good systems. And, yes, very pretty, too. Not as pretty as you are. But nice.
I, still, don't know what those other stress relievers are, specifically for women, that exceed $88,000.00, though. A tour of Europe? A luxurious cruise? A bad night of Baccarat?
However, if the Lifetime channel can stay on the air, even with all those crappy movies, why not a high-end site for women? I helped start a high-end store twenty-five years ago that catered as much to women as to men. Unheard of at the time.
It's, still, there. And it, still, does.