High end Audio for ladies? Check this out

I came across this web site by accident. What a refreshing idea.....


Comments anyone ?
Hey again Mrtennis:

You say:

"generalizations based upon experience are usually incorrect. such generalizations are based upon induction. the results of induction can be disproven by one example, whereas the results of induction cannot be proven."

All due respect, that's so bland and trite as to be useless. First of all, of course they can't be proven: but what can? Second of all, what else are you going to do? Develop opinions about what is likely to happen, or to be true of cases you haven't encountered, without appealing to experience? By what means then? Astrology? Ouiji board? Mathematics? Asking the Pope?

Of course one must avoid the usual inductive fallacies -- hasty induction, slothful induction, biased samples, etc., but its the only game in town.
Just to add, of course the generalizations themselves might be usually if not always wrong, but the particular inferences they license usually true. There are black swans, so they aren't all white. But the next one you see will be.
Interesting marketing. Most women don't want to spend this kind of money on a stereo system - certainly not $70K on speakers alone. A niche market perhaps for successful career women who love home stereo or have husbands/boyfriends who are the ones who this is really aimed at. Unfortunately given the current economic times, that niche market will get even smaller.
if you keep an open mind and consider each experience for what it is and do all of the analysis you can, you will make an intelligent decision in a stochastic world.

generalizations often over simplify and lead to erroneous decisions.

you ask "what else is there" ? the answere is confidence, after assessing all of the variables.

in audio, confidence comes from auditioning a component in one's stereo system. all else is risk.
I want to meet pookie10 - the concepts presented above seems to suggest a purely mythical being which if she did exist would be almost impossible for mere human audiophiles to deal with. Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, aliens, and pookie10 - do they REALLY exist.