How much?

How much do you listen to your stereo? 

Love my CJ Premier gear, Vandersteens,Sota, and fancy cabling. Invested a lot.

I listen to it about 2 hours a week. What a shame.

Maybe I need a different home with a dedicated listening room or maybe I just feel like venting.
My main system 3 or so hours a day. My 2nd system maybe 4 hours a month; headphone system - rarely
I listen probably about 8 hours a day I don't really watch TV I turn the stereo on when I get home leave it on until bedtime and I tend to stay up late. Sometimes I work from home and its on and its on day and night on the weekends.
no TV in the listening rooms.....the ipad is bad fact as I write this I am in the middle 1/4 of a serious Jackson Browne binge with the server... but you have some fantastic and magical perhaps you just need a jolt of new music to get creativity going....
i enjoy Tidal and the threads here on Audiogon about what people are listening to.......
Every morning and every evening. More casually in the morning as it's my alarm and motivation while getting ready for work. At night, KCSM, and if I'm lucky on the weekends I'll go through my digital library and pick something I haven't heard in a while. 
Maybe you need to change your set-up. Perhaps it's not involving enough. What is it that you don't quite like ? Everyone doesn't like something in the sound they get.
The thing that keeps me listening by the way is KCSM, which I listen to via the Internet. 

Maybe you need a good station that keeps pulling you in too? 

My main rig 3-4 hours every day and my secondary system 7-8 hours every day (mostly FM Stereo). My secondary system is in my home office.
  I am retired. I listen from one to three hours a day. With Apogee Duetta II loudspeakers, it is easy to listen.
I have specific background music needs for my morning newspaper reading (classical piano works), and that changes to serious listening here and there throughout the day and night...I turn off the tube amps when my rig gets some serious time every day, which is good since my new Morrow cables still won't be broken in until late December...I'm a retired person, if really a person at all, so I can do whatever the hell I want (especially when my wife is out of town). PARTY!!!
About 45 minutes most mornings while getting ready for work, and an hour or more each night while reading before bed.
Sounds perfectly normal to me. I do have a dedicated room, and I also listen about 2 hours per week, Saturday mornings. Eyes closed, sitting still, in the sweet spot, just listening. The other posters are listening as background music. For me, my kind of listening is much more enjoyable. YMMV, just my 2c.

When I am home and conscious the stereo(s) are on .. first thing I do in the morning is turn music on, before getting out of bed. The last thing I do at night before sleep is turn the music off. I probably do about 8 hours of true dedicated listening a week.... I start to get itchy without it!!
I do like the sound my system produces, I just don’t have that set apart listening room. That would double or triple my listening. Those of you who do how fortunate you are! And it’s surely acoustically superior to my living room. The room where my wife and daughter do her homework. And I have to be quiet. School rules and I don’t disagree. Sadly this is the only room in my house that will accommodate the gear. And I’m not moving so it’s on me.

Just wanted to gauge against others who surely have invested a lot into their systems as well.

Thank you for your responses!

Why so hostile, tostados? Tom just posted about his preferences. What's it to you?
 @wolf_garcia.  so retired guys..we need to start a sub group....

@tomcarr i get plenty of non background listening in.....but yes i do use the vintage system in my work room as background....and now and then when something jaw dropping happens, i just listen.....
At least half of my listening time is thru headphones, not at all the same but at least something.
terry9, I take umbrage at the statement "The other posters are listening as background music."  Is there a 2-hour-per-week limit to serious listening?

I still do important things...I just put new strings on a guitar, the motorcycle won't ride itself! And my medicare pays for the gym membership so I gotta go at least 3 times a week...I have spent a lot of time recently listening to my cables breaking in...sort of a zen thing, and they were exactly 3.7% better sounding today...this stuff takes time man...riding my "longboard" skateboard down my street without spilling my beer isn't so easy either, and may explain why my neighbors won't talk to me.
I'm also retired/disabled.  I will listen to music for over 10 hours on some days when I can't leave the house.  Some days I'll only listen for a couple of hours.  I do listen on the go with my custom in ear monitors (Phantom's from Empire Ears) with my AK380cu and matching amp, lol.