How often do you have to service your Studer or Otari deck ? Home not pro environment.

I guess, there are still places where you can be confident that they know what they do.

Showing 2 responses by bdp24

Restoring Revox A77's is expensive. I sent mine to the national service center in Nashville years ago, and the restoration cost me more than the A77. It's like servicing an old BMW; there comes a time when it no longer makes economic sense.

No @inna, I meant it is economically unwise to buy a Revox (and I'm assuming a Studer) that is in need of restoration rather than one that needs none. A good working condition example can probably be acquired for less than the price of a not-so-hot one with the cost to restore it added.

To your new point directly above, if the sound of your tape recorders electronics (used as a pre-amp) is better than your active pre-amp, it is time for a better active pre-amp! There is also the matter of the recorders output impedance (at all frequencies) and voltage, etc., very important in regard to driving the power amp.