How would you desribe Von Schweiket VR-4jr sound?

Or for that matter the Von Schweikert sound in general, particularly their newer models?
What would you, Von Schweikert owners/previous owners, auditioners, consider their strengths.... weaknesses?


Luciahd, you misquote me. I said the VR4jrs sounded "unnatural" when I auditioned them prior to the NY Highend Show, and I did not say they sound "midfi" if you read my posts carefully. At the Show, as I have stated over and over, the speakers really impressed me driven by the DK. I'm very sensitive to high frequency information - I literally can not walk a city block if I hear car brakes squeak. I hear what I hear, and I couldn't get over the high fequency "grit" of the VR4jr room at the Show.

I can't comment on the wood version of the 938s you heard because I was not there. But I can comment on the black 938s you heard at the Show because I was there. The room was small and I do agree with you to some extent on the bass and high freq performance at the Show. I also heard them at the '94 NY show, and they sounded so different. They were in a larger room, the same size as the VR4jrs were in at this years show, and they were the best sound at the Show for me in '94. So much so I bought them based on the show performance. They're comparable and in some ways better than Apogees and stat setups I was used to because of the dynamics of the 938s.

As for Pink Floyd's DSOTM, I have the SACD version and played it through my 938s using the 70lb class A Junson integrated amp. Let me tell you, the imaging, bass, and dynamics were on par with the VR4jr setup at the Show and without the high frequency "grit" I heard through the VR4jrs. Too bad the Jungson developed a problem just as it was starting to open up, and I had to return it for a replacement. So I can't agree with you when you say the 938s are only good for small jazz combo or pop.

I don't know if the high freq anomaly is inherent in the VR4jrs, but I have heard similar anomaly on different setups through the VR4jrs. May be a really high quality class A amp may get rid of the problem. I have not heard this problem with the higher models from VS.

Hey, if the VR4jrs do it for you, congradulations! I'm happy for you. In the end, it's your ears that matter, not what others say. But it's always fun to have a friendly discourse.
For a speaker (VR4jrs) that have never received a bad professional review, in fact they've all been glowing or better from some sources that do not usually hand out glowing reviews automatically, these speakers are taking some heavy criticism.
Are they really that bad? Are they really Sony speakers with a different name? Are they really speakers that only sound good with certain, limited, expensive electronics?
Most reviews refer to them as "giant killers", performing well above their price range. Is this just hogwash/hype?

What do you guys think?
Great speaker for the money or
just another pretender?
If, by the number of positive reviews about this speaker, the conclusion here is that the VR-4jr's are pretenders, one could postulate that the reviews of them are also. I for one don't believe that equipment reviews are political but the reviewer is linked to the reviewed component.
I've had mine since late October, and think I've finally gotten past the breakin period, as they have changed greatly for the better in the last mont. Either that or the wine is affecting my ears more than I imagine!
They have impressed me more every day with the fine music they reproduce...and I now just enjoy the music and forget about nitpicking the speakers. They aren't perfect, but they help me relax at the end of a long day slinging burgers and that was the whole point of getting them. I'm curious what affect bi-wiring might have , and am even considering bi-amping, just out of curiosity, but all in al they make great music.
We all listen too much to the equipment sometimes,and forget to enjoy the music and ignore the imperfections that all of this gear has, and I think it affects our pleasure that the artists give us. Hell, buy a used, well broken in pair and give em a whirl. If you don't like em, sell them, and look at the small cost as a great in-home demo!
If they really sound like shit to ya, sell them to someone you don't like!!...))
Really, they are a fine my ears...not perfect, but what one is?
I think you'll be impress by them, tho
Take care
well said! I am not a big Von Schweikert fan but I may try your suggestion in the future.
