If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
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Showing 1 response by kacomess

Some 1960s funk bands from the obscure realm:
-->"Cold Blood": well worth a listen. They were occasionally performing, at least as of 4-5 years ago.
-->"Sons of Champlin" also worth your time (Bill C. occasionally played with Tower of Power). Dated lyrics but excellent tripping and funk tunes (some very long tracks, e.g., "You Can Fly" and "Get High")
-->"The Loading Zone" was the funk house band of the Fillmore. Forgotten and underappreciated, especially Linda Tillary, the lead singer. Many cover tracks. "The Bells" is interesting and bizarre. She is now an occasional gospel singer.