In need high-efficency speakers

I recently purchased a preowned Mystere IA-11 40 watt tube integrated amp to replace a 120 wpc SS amp. Overall it has a very satisfying sound with plenty of detail, dynamics and a tight bass for a tube amp.

The problem is the combination of our large town-home living/dining room combo with my 87db DIY Seas Froy Mk3 speaker, powered by the 40 watt amp means it can’t play loud, especially a problem with movies or TV specials.

I was hoping to change to the Zu Audio Omen Mk2 or Klipsch Heresy III high-efficency speakers. My wife and I agree it is unwise to spend that kind of money with our current finances. The Zu Dirty Weekend would be a cheaper option, but the Klipsch would look better in our living room.

So I’m looking for solid advice on what to do from this audiophile community.

Here is a link to my ’Virtual System’ if that will help.

Thanks all,

Showing 18 responses by mjcmt

To all Teton lovers responding. Tectonic 'the perfect set' looks interesting, though unusual looking and a bit lower in efficiency.
Yes I'm aware of the trade offs. I'm slow and sure before making purchases. When we're no longer able to be content with the lower volume for movies/tv I'll make the plunge. But the Klipsch and Zu are at the top of my short list.
Simple answers, I just wanted to go back to a tube amp and like Mystere amp. My speakers sound great w/ tube amp as well as solid state, just would like more volume in some situations.
I like Mindlessminions comment on Zu and suspected that, reading and watching youtubes vids.
I like Wolf Garcias comment on Heresy III and is what I think would be best. Will have to figure out how to buy them. Looks like I'll be having quiter sound than I'd like for a while longer.
Im not sure on Tekton. Looks interesting from a quick look. Not as efficient too. I'll have to study them some more.

Both the Zu Omem and Klipsch are over my budget. Couldn't extend myself to purchase both at one time. I'm aware of the return policies. Trying to narrow it down. Zu DW fits budget best, Heresy is my 1st choice, but more costly, and very intrigued w Omen2, but if Zu is lean and thin sounding I'm becoming concerned.
Ok Ill turn the volume up more. Was  afraid of damaging amp and/or speakers. Hardening may just be room reflections in lively space.

Thanks for your listening experience w Heresy III. I'm excited about the prospect of owning them, but it may be a slow train coming. I've read IIIs are smoother and better than earlier version with mods.
When I had the Consonance C100 (rebadged Hegel H1) 120wpc we found turning volume to 11oclock was necessary at time w/ certain movies/tv for full enjoyment.
With the Mystere I've had volume to 11:00/1:00 position and find it can be too quiet at times particularly w movies and dialogue. An irritation and quieter than we like. Music generally is fine as we don't play it as loud. I'm afraid to turn it up further, as there is a bit of hardening to the sound at 12:00. The 7:00-10:00 position seems to be the sweat spot w/ music.
I have some cheap Klipsch 3.1 94db efficiency monitors with a more prominent midrange and can get a respectable volume at the 11:00 o'clock position, hence the search for more efficient speakers.
Btw Al, Mystere doesn't have regular rotary pot volume but resister ladder control, if that matters.
Al and David_ten,
There is nothing wrong w/ the amp and tubes have little hours on them according to Echo Hi-Fi. My speakers are great too. The sound is lovely w/ music. I think the imagined hardening is greater dynamics in a lively living room w/o any rugs or sound treatment. We like to crank it more w/ movies and for tv specials through the lower output dac. That’s simply it. I never turned it up past 1:00 for fear of damage to amp or speakers, but tonight will try turning it up more as mentioned here when we watch a tv special. I’ve tried higher efficient 94db Klipsch ksb3.1 bookshelf speakers and the added volume is a welcome plus.
Thanks jacks on the heads up. Used to live in Chicago 13 years ago. If I can find Zu listing I can see if my bro can pick up, but he's out of town a lot
Thanks Fourwinds
GoldenEar looks nice but a bit lower efficiency than I wanted.

I've looked at Omegas, look interesting. Wonder how they sound compared to Zu?
I didn't think it was necessary, because I was interested in Klipsch Heresy III or Zu Omen 2, and even Zu DW2. 
I've done many a stupid thing in the past and parting with this system about 4 years ago has to be at the top of the list.

Thanks for all the feedback on the Omega’s w/ alnico magnet. Makes me wonder why I sold my Altec Lansing Model 15 a few years back w/ their bent horn and 12" alnico magnet woofer.

Here's a photo of them on the Great Plains website...don't know how it got there.
One thing to be aware of, according to Great Plains Audiio, is alnico magnets loose some of their magnetism over time and need to be re- magnetized. At least it was ther claim on Altec speakers w alnico magnets. YMMV
Those speakers are surely great ones to have, but they may be a little large for our living room and wife's acceptance.
I'm not really fond of the look of the Betsy speakers. I'd consider the drivers and build my own baffles to my taste.