Is it time to just quit?

Time to just quit?                      
Buying audio stuff?                             
Posting to an empty house?                          
My gut feeling is no one is posting in the regular 'free' threads. Maybe they all are paying to post? I could not know, since I am way too cheap to pay to just post 'exclusive'.  Being natural paranoid, I think everyone is posting over there, not here?                                       
Then I also just hit my limit on credit card Paypal. Now I have to become "verified' or no Paypal.    
This also happened at a fortuitous moment, when I was starting to overspend...             
So no buying OR selling here for me (unless I am willing to get the Paypal CC. Which I have to think about)So maybe the Universe is telling me "Time to quit".???  
Not quit listening to music, just NOT buying more stuff and NOT posting more gibberish.
Mentions of Maggi lovers , thst is a speaker that sounds good but has a bunch 
of Substantial upgrades why they build them so minimal is beyond me ljust charge a little more , for starters get rid of the junky metal jumpers a quality 
wire  jumper, Putin 2 high quality fuses. Magnestand rebuildsyour
 Maggi total overhaul transformation. The stock panels flex like a sale a solid hardwood frame locks in theimaging much better , the wiring totally replaced 
to quality wireand the Xoverisnight and day better and has to have a beautiful
hsrdwould external Xover sitting in  the back withallhigh quality voivedparts 
my friend owns them and IHave owned 3.6,and 1.7 .  If you like the Maggi sound 
you would not believe the potential of your speakers untill youhave heard these .
yesmaybe around $2k or so but  the investmentislike buying a 5 x more expensive speaker. If nearPa. Youmaybe can do hesr a pair . If PeterGunn
is still doing them.  Just a thought , ifyou are tired of allways changing gear.
just upgradeit and be done with it for years. Digital keeps getting better that 
maybethe only exception to the rule.

Please don’t quit.  I very much enjoy and appreciate your knowledge and incites.

pack it all away and get an Alexa and just listen to music instead of a stereo system.  Simple pleasures.
Was “incites” a Freudian slip or intentional?  One of the things that I have always enjoyed about Elizabeth’s posts is the way that some other posters seem to be incited by them and respond with spirited comebacks.

syntax2,029 posts11-25-2018 7:47pm... listening to digital is like having a shower with thousands
of tiny ice cubes, listening to vinyl is having the shower with water. ...

@syntax this is a great analogy!