It was 50 years ago today....

...that the Beatles played their last concert on the rooftop of Apple Records.

Showing 3 responses by mofimadness

So IMHO, they were not the second coming, but they were damn close.  
+ 1

I'll take John Lennon with his fur jacket
That was actually Yoko's fur coat.
It doesn’t matter what anyone, whether informed pedant or shameless ignoramus, thinks about The Beatles - good or bad. Popular music today would be something else altogether had they not existed. Apart from the music they created, they changed recording studio practices. Culturally and musically they were a seismic event that lasted the better part of a decade. They altered the landscape (to use that cliche) and there ain’t no going back. They weren’t operating in a vacuum of course, and no mention of the Fab 4 should be made without invoking the names of SS. Martin and Emerick.  Love ’em or hate ’em, doesn’t matter - The Beatles transformed popular music like no other group before or since. Some of us think the transformation was for the better.

Well, obviously it was really only three quarters of the Beatles the second half of their existence since Paul was replaced by a look-alike around 1966 following his untimely death. Fortunately, the look-alike had a very good singing voice and fit right in.
???...but, the Walrus was Paul.