Jazz at the Pawn Shop. Anyone know what Vol. ?

I've heard of a cd called "Jazz at the Pawn Shop" that was supposed to be an incredible cd. Can anyone guide me to which volume it is and by what artist? Any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks

Showing 1 response by jax2

I think I'd probably agree with Viridian. Though it is a remarkable, atmospheric, live recording to be sure, it is not the last word in that genre of Jazz and probably has more merit as an "audiophile" recording rendering spacial cues and atmosphere to a degree that can raise the hairs on the back of your neck when paired with the right system. As far as the music goes it is a bit ho-hum to me. In the mid 80's it was as overplayed and overhyped as Dire Straits and I really got sick of hearing both of them.