Jolida JD100. How good is it?

Have been using my dvd for stereo and would like to improve. The sound is good but not great. Seems shallow. Dymanics are there but blurred together. Looking for a warmer sound and seperation of instruments. Have read reviews on the jolida but would appreciate input and any other suggested players. Price range around 500 and used will be fine unless there are reasons not to go used on a cd player. Listen to all types of music with exception of rap, hip hop, and head slammer.
Current system:
Denon avr 2800 (will go seperates soon), Onkyo integra dvd, Polk audio speakers, Bryston 3b(front two), Velodyne hgs10.
You are defintely not getting *some* of the email I'm sending you....
Maybe you have a shared email address.....
something's outta sync!

....Sunday will be a big Jolida day here... ;)
OK, add one more to the JD-100 owners list. Two CDs in, I already like it a lot. I do think different tubes will be ordered; the sound is a little "fat" and plummy. Totally non-fatiguing... my rig room opens up to the kitchen and whenever my wife has been there cooking before and has the exhaust on, or the blender, or is trying to converse, she will always yell at me to turn it down (I know this doesn't happen to any of you).
With the JayDee, I have been playing these two CDs at high volume while she prepares a meal for a party tomorrow. My teenage daughter is helping her, and they are doing a lot of talking, machines running, etc, naturally. I played it loud just to get their reaction. None. None. They just raised their voices and kept talking, working, etc.

Huh? I had to ask... isn't it too loud? "Um, no?" I cranked it some more. They just kept going!

I consider this a glowing testament to at least one aspect of this player. Thru 4 CDPs, three amps, four preamps, and four speaker changes, not to mention DACs, cables, PCs, and tweaks, never have I gotten this equivalent of the ~shrug~ to loud music.

OK, Paul Simon and Alison Krauss, you may be too gentle. We shall try Moby, Radiohead, and Pink Floyd soon (cackle!).
Allegro, I sent some email my way, and it arrived next second. If the ones you are sending are not bouncing back, then there are holes in Comcast's main frames... or they have been borrowed by Ashcroft.
Kck, I've had Jolidas for so long, I forgot about that bonus. Thanks for bringing it up. I had a Sony ES before I switched, and it was night and day.
Hi Distortion...
It's been a full week with this Jolida....and I need music surrounding me when I am home so it has been getting quite a workout....
Muralman1 and everyone has stressed break-in so when I'm at work I leave it on repeat....
I have never heard tubes of any kind so I really didn't know what to expect....
I wrote an account of my Jolida adventure for another forum and will edit it down (it's an Epic Tale)
and will post it here tonight......
This is the edited version (believe it or not)...

The unit itself is not what I would call handsome. Silver...with way too much writing...and little silver M&M buttons on the black remote control...which although looked like a mismatch with the unit is quite hefty and solid.
I hit the "open" button to insert a CD. Noisy little bugger!
And now.....I needed to listen..although it was late and at low level......with the installed Sovtek tubes....I had no idea what to expect.....I had never heard tubes...

I always use 3 types of music as reference....a solo piano....a female vocal...and full orchestra.Added to my refernce CD's is the newly acquired "Bed of Roses" for the artillary of tricks and the sheer number of sounds.At low listening level I decided just to listen to piano first. If piano is wrong no apologies ever make it right. It sounded fine. It sounded like a piano.. But It sounded pretty much like my Arcam but slightly muffled. So what's this "Tube Sound" I'm supposed to be hearing?
Then I listened to "Bed of Roses"....and the bag of tricks on this CD seemed a bit less amazing then it had with my Arcam...
not as much detail or depth....
Then I put on Loreena McKennit....Although I love her voice it does get a bit screechy on some of her high notes , due to
close mike, maybe....but it does hit a nerve now and then.Hmmmmmm....although she sounded like she was singing under a blanket ...her voice sounded Sultry and not shrill....I immediately realized the potential here....and recognized a big difference...
If I could keep the sultry and lift the blanket.....this could be good! This could be the "Tube Sound".....

I get out the Jolida manual....I need to get the cover off and arm myself with tubes....The manual said to remove the 6 screws....
2 front....4 back...I remove them and the top doesn't budge....this isn't brain shouldn't be that difficult....
so instead of risking breakage....what do I do? Post here.... :) ....
I take a better look......uh..hello Mr/Ms whoever you are that wrote this manual....there are *8* screws!
Fine....cover's off.

Manual: "Turn the Player with Front facing you.The Tubes are on the Left.They are under covers.
They Are??????I don't see any tubes on the left!
I'm no expert but I realllllllly think I spy them on the *Right*.
Ohhhhh!, Mr/Ms Manual writer......You mean when you are facing backwards and looking in a mirror!

I swapped lots of tubes for hours..............Suffice it to say....I did hear differences with each tube change....
...I used Loreena's voice as the Litmus test....If I could just get rid of her lisp!
I wanted to save the Sylvania 5751's till last but In goes the "prize" tubes....

First Piano.......lovely......soooooo lovely! It sounded good...*really* good.......
I'm excited......Before I knew it I had listened to the whole CD.....a good sign.......
Ok you and that Celtic band of yours.
Velvet!!!! was musical velvet!!!!.Dynamic but perfectly cohesive .....Sultry but not syrup.....Smooth and seductive....
what I expect her voice is really like in person....
Gorgeous. Fluid.....effortless......
This is delicious!!! !!!!!!
I have an inkling silver IC's may be just right with this. Velvet with a touch of satin.

My main concern is always getting instruments to sound as accurate as possible...
Here is my final tally, up to this point, of Jolida vs Arcam Alpha 9:
Piano:a tie...too close to call..gorgeous on both
Guitar: Jolida...
Female voice:Jolida...see previous praises
Full Orchestral:Arcam by a nose
Cymbals and other sparkly things:Arcam

With the right tubes (the Sylvania 5751's, I think)this player makes gorgeous music.Just gorgeous...........
I forgive you for your homely face.
I am going to keep this Jolida.....