Kinki Studio EX-M1 200wpc Integrated Amplifier

Winner of the ’Blue Moon Award’ from 6Moons / Srajan Ebaen

Here is the ’summary’ last page from 6Moons:

And the first page for those interested in the full review:

215W (8 Ohms)  Inputs: 3 RCA  1 XLR  

Offered via Vinshine Audio in Singapore.

Currently SGD 2898 which equals ~ USD 2135.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdavid_ten
Another question I’m curious about regarding this amp concerns gain. Sensitivity is specified as follows:

Input Sensitivity: 2.25Vrms - 3.6Vrms
I’m guessing that 2.25 volts is for the unbalanced inputs, and 3.6 volts is for the balanced input, as I don’t see any means of varying the sensitivity in the internal or external photos. Given the 215 watt 8 ohm power rating those sensitivities can be calculated to correspond to gains of approximately 25 db and 21 db respectively. Which seem like very low numbers for an integrated amp, and perhaps too low to be optimal with some combinations of vinyl sources and low efficiency speakers.

Yet the review contains the following statement:

Who actually needs 200 watts with 26dB of voltage gain in just the line stage followed by another x 20 amplification factor in the power stage? Very few. Because the EX-M1 hits its torque already in first gear, that number is mainly for bragging rights, peace of mind and yes, the rare customer who really does own that boat-anchor load to tap such power and gain.
That would mean a total gain of 52 db, which in contrast to the calculated numbers would be very high for an integrated amp. And probably too high to be optimal with some combinations of digital sources and high efficiency speakers.

Just wondering how to reconcile this apparent discrepancy, while having some concern that all of these numbers may be a bit extreme in one direction or the other.

-- Al


It is good news to hear that these fine pieces of gear have a US repair facility. For me, in the rare instance of having to send the product overseas for repair is a deal breaker. From what you have said, it looks like you have superb customer service for these products. Well done!!!
@teajay   Terrific to hear how highly you regard this integrated amp. 

Will you be doing a head to head comparison with the T+A in Allen's or Ezra's system?
@roxy54, I'm actually not that sensitive, as an Asian American who grew up in the US, I've seen and heard it all.  Honestly, it's not a big deal to me, but someone has to call him out.------------------------------------On a different note, Alvin@Vinshine sure seems to know how to pick them.  I'm very interested in this amp.  I'm wondering how it would compare to my Ayre AX5/20.  Maybe, it's time to purchase the Kinki and see if I can downgrade to upgrade.  I could use the extra funds.  :)
Hey everybody,

I won't repeat all the details of what I stated when I wrote to tell Srajan that he was in for a real treat regarding the Kinki EX-M1.  He was kind enough to share my thoughts in his review.

Forget for a moment what this piece sells for, it's performance level will compete with any integrated amplifier I have heard up to the present time.  I have auditioned it with three different sets of speakers for my review for and it's superb music maker.  

David, you will be very interested in one final audition that will happen this Monday, I'll be comparing the EX-M1 to latest generation/reference T+A integrated.  I have a strong hunch that this $2,100 piece will come very close to the performance of the almost 20K German amplifier.  When I first got the Kinki in for review, after a short time, it kept reminding me of the T+A integrated that I have heard before and have great respect for.  So, by hearing them both in the same system I'll come to a conclusion regarding this matter.
Occidentalis, Orientalis, Borealis, Australis  Latin (unfortunately) not in vogue. 
It's an old fashioned moniker, but not meant as an insult I'm sure. Let's not be so sensitive.
Hello Guys, Stereo 5 puts out a good concern. I am Mike Powell the founder of Verastarr here in ATL, GA and I am the authorized repair center and rep for any of Alvin/Vinshines products. You can buy the products on USA soil for the same price as overseas and enjoy a high level of customer service. One example is if there is a warranty issue, you simply box the piece, tape it up and we pick it up from your house. Fedex will have a label in hand so you dont even have to fill a shipping label out. I'm well networked in the industry and am passionate about music playback with high integrity. No salesman fluff from me just cut and dry honesty. I like walks in the park and romantic sorry couldnt help it.. Ive got the Terminators in stock most of the time as well as Jays audio. My God you guys should see this transport. I'll have the Kinki Integrated in a few days, and I post demonstrations and comparisons on YouTube under "OCD Hi-Fi Guy" where I play into the character we all know, our own inner OCD HiFi nut. You can actually hear the differences in DACS on the videos for instance. So its a good place for resource on Vinshine product as well as room setup, which should never be ignored, or if you do, just dont expect world class results from your rig.    

My personal cel is available for existing or potential clients. 404-764-6233
All the best !
@stereo5 ,
Here's a link to the warranty aspect of Vinshine Audio:
Note that at the end of the description, there is now a stateside audio repair facility. It may be Mike Powell Audio who does the repair work for Denafrips DACs which Alvin of Vinshine Audio also imports. 

I'm not entirely sure but it's nice to know it can be done stateside.

All the best,

No dis-respect to you, and I'm sure you weren't aware. You referred to the people as Orientals.  Just remember, vases and rugs, etc.... are oriental, people are Asian. Many years ago I made that mistake once.....Once! :-)
My only concern would be how to get it fixed if it breaks down?  Does it have to go back  to China ?  Is this an established manufacturer that will still be around in a few years?  That would be my other concern.
@nonoise  You were smart to jump on it, immediately. I imagine there will be a strong response to the 6Moons review which will likely impact lead times.
@david_ten , Thanks David. I'm normally not this impulsive.
The wait is going to be difficult. 😣

All the best,
@nonoise  Congratulations!!! You move fast. : )  Looking forward to reading your impressions once you have it.
@almarg  I also noticed the high damping factor but did not make the connection to the low THD spec. 

Thank you for bringing this to my (and our) attention. 

Perhaps @alvin1118 (Alvin / Vinshine Audio) can comment?
Thanks, Al. I just hope that he's found a workaround to what you described and that it won't be of any concern. 😀

I'l report back as things progress.

All the best,
David, thanks for calling this amp and this manufacturer to our attention. I read the review, and it certainly sounds like a remarkable value at its price point.

The only thing that strikes me as being a possible concern is the combination of its extremely high specified damping factor of 2000 (which is unheard of as far as I am aware for an amp that is described, per the reviewer, as not being class D), and (to a lesser extent) the low THDN spec of <0.006%. Those numbers suggest the likelihood that the amp uses substantial amounts of feedback, which might mean that the subjective perception of speed and detail that is reported may be significantly contributed to by TIM (transient intermodulation distortion).

We shall see. Nonoise, best of luck with your purchase.

Best regards,
-- Al
So far as I can tell and from what Alvin told me, there should be no duty pending, stateside. Srajan noted in his review that in Ireland and most parts of the EU, it could be as much as 20%. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm also a bit intrigued by their DAC as well. Liu prefers to have density in his sound to achieve realism and he's using the AKM 4495 with it's "velvet sound" to get there. Liu believes in an artistic approach to interior design along with keeping circuits as short as possible and having all circuit traces gold plated (2 microns). 

He's not so much into numbers or the latest craze but what sounds good to his ears. His asking price for the DAC is very reasonable, like his integrated. Alvin is very responsive to emails and would gladly answer any questions. Right now it's 4:39 AM in China but when he's up, he answers quickly.

All the best,

I just ordered the Kinki EX-M1 through PayPal and the exchange rate works out to $2,200.51. Even at that price, I think it's going to be a steal if it performs as good as the reviews say. 

Terry London of should be out with his review soon and from what he wrote Srajan on his take (in Srajan's review) speaks very highly of the Kinki as well.

All the best,
@roberjerman, are you kidding me man? Are we living in the 1920's, who uses the term "Orientals"?  Use the term Asians, please. 
You guys beat me to it. I'm putting in my order for it later today.
Alvin is an absolute pleasure to deal with. 

Check out the page on the 6moons review with the specs. It looks to be flat from 8Hz-26Khz. That's a straight wire with gain if there ever was one. The amp designer, Liu, seems to really like the Swiss approach to sound. If it had a Swiss nameplate on it, it would go for 10X the price.

What Srajan had to put together to approximate the sound of the Kinki was with a Nagra pre amp and a pair of LinnenberG mono amps. 

By the way, it's S$2898 delivered to your door. That's Singapore dollars.
It works out to about $2135.751 at the current exchange rate.

All the best,
Correction: $2135! Those Orientals can sure build some great stuff at affordable prices! American Hi End mfgrs. take heed!
Nice! Superb fit-and-finish. And at $2898 delivered a super value! The only thing missing is a sticker at 10X the price! Lookout Dan D.!