Liquid Ceramics cables Has anyone heard these?

I read a article on 6 Moons about a new Liquid Ceramaics cable.
I searched this Forum for some info and there is only was one or 2 people that had an opinion. However there opinion did not include the cables sonic qualities.

They are supposed to excell in sounstaging but what about the bass or the Treble ?

Is there any one who has heard these that could give the sonic merits of these cables?
I have complete set of CTs in my system including the
CT PCs I can say for sure if given time and effort for bit of tweeking you will have the bestsound from your system
before CT's I was running Indra's , Before that Luminous
Reference silver,Since CT's I haven't had the the urged to go back to Indra's. Norm I have spoken to you on the phone
when you were in Australia @ Richard Wongs place Last weekend Richard paid me a visit he brought all the cables with him Valhala, AQ Sky, Bochino,etc we played around a
lot I agree with Norm on direct AB others will sound more impressive but once the CT'settled they are the best I've heard on my System,don't get me wrong I love the Indra's
an I'm keeping them but I just can't seem to go back to them.Thats after 3-4months of having CT's. Trick is you have to adjust your setup as CT's are very different Sounding to me they are very Natural or Real sounding
my Advice is if you trying CT cables Least you must have
two IC as one might make it sound worse than your current
IC's more you add the better the result and finaly the most important re CT's are the amount of time in your system
I'd say you judge them after two to four weeks on your system not by just AB with others instantly.
Pat O'Brien
WAR Audio
Perth Australia
I'm the Dealer Australia for CT's, Indra's and Luminous
Again, for those above who had the pleasure of do Indra vs CT sound different? What characteristics? My system as listed:...and was wondering how replacing my Khara cables with either of the two would chg/improve the sound I get..? I mostly listen to jazz, blues, rock, fusion. Any guidance would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!
>>I agree with everything you say, pat<<

Me too. The retailer should know which product generates the highest profit.
I guess you could call me "Mr. Cerious", Bob Grost. I wanted to clear up some questions on "cooking" CT cables. First, it will never hurt any of our cables, as each conductor can carry large amounts of current before failure. Even the interconnects are current limited by the connectors. The actual conductors can pass very high currents. So have no fears of failure. Second, even as the designer, I cannot say without question that a cable cooker will improve or add nothing to the listening process. I have clients on each side as to the question of needing no break in, including many that insist they improved over time. I, personally believe that in my experience it is the settling process of the jacket damping that affects this change, but it is an improvement, none the less. I would like to thank all who have given us the opportunity to earn your business and appreciate the civility and enthusiasm of those posting on this, and other like minded, sites.

Bob Grost