MAC & VSA Synergy?

I have been interested in trying some Mac gear & was wondering about the synergy between Mac & VSA 4jr's. I listen to rock exclusively. I am looking at the higher powered Mac's that are available in the used market for about $2,000.00
It all depends on what you tastes are. I have listened to the 4jrs on several occasions in different systems and find them lacking transparency and dynamics so they would not compliment Mcs very well. McIntoshes are most synergistic with fast and open speakers. So, since you are asking for my thoughts, 4jrs with Mc amps would be a little too soft sounding for my tastes. Good luck! Arthur
I really haven't had a chance to get a good listen to the VSA's, what I did hear I liked the dealer at the time had them hooked up to Mc's and I though they paired well. But as a McIntosh owner I agree with Aball in that Mc' do offer a softer more laid back sound. I am referring to Solid State not tube. I have and still consider selling the Mc's I have to get something new. I listened to the BAT and really liked that sound. I just am fund-poor at the time to make the consideration any stronger. You might look into other amps for your 4 jrs. I do love my mc's but in honesty if I couldn't see them I would probably dial that down to a strong liking.
I was under the impression you didn't have 4jrs yet. Your system page shows Tylers.
Sorry, my system page is very old. I do have the Jr's & love them but don't think a "laid back" sound is what I am after. I guess I may just try the BAT 500, for a large SS amp unless anyone else has any other suggestions.
If you're considering solid state, then I'd suggest Channel Islands Audio D-100 or D-200 mono amps as an alternative.

Finally, if a tube amp in an option, VS has used VAC amplification for years in their demo rooms, and the VAC PHI amps are a great match.
If you want forward sound, BAT will be great. Pass Labs would be another good choice with 4jrs. There are many others - you will just have to experiment and see for yourself. Let us know what you find out. Arthur
VR-4JR’s are not lacking transparency and dynamics. It’s the McIntosh amp that’s holding them back. I’ve auditioned McIntosh amp with VR-4JR’s and Pro-Ac response 25 and felt the amp was too slow, too mellow and not engaging for my taste. This amp requires bright speakers to complement it.

Since I’m on a market to buy an amp, has anyone auditioned CIA D-200 with VR-4JR’s. Does D-200 have enough power to drive VR-4Jr’s effectively?

There’s a tendency for some amp to sound veiled and not dynamic at low levels. What about D-200’s performance at low listening levels?

I never auditioned the 4jrs with McIntosh amps. Only Kora, Odyssey, and Thule amps which is what I based my observations on.
Since I’m on a market to buy an amp, has anyone auditioned CIA D-200 with VR-4JR’s. Does D-200 have enough power to drive VR-4Jr’s effectively?

There’s a tendency for some amp to sound veiled and not dynamic at low levels. What about D-200’s performance at low listening levels?
You're better off listening for yourself in your own system. Channel Islands offers a 30 day return policy on their products.
The Channel Islands for some reason don't apeal to me, a friend has also suggested trying them. I am intrigued by digital amps but would be more interested in a Bel Canto or Spectron. Krell gear has always been something I want to try as well. I don't mind experimenting with my gear & enjoy the process of trying new gear, I feel it is some of the fun in this hobby.
So, I am looking for suggestions on an amp in the $2,000 range that will compliment my Jr's & provide some more power than my BAT VK60 (which I absolutely LOVE)
I guess without getting too deep, it is hard for me to take the CIA amps seriously. An in-home audition would be best but I would need to do a little more research on them before I did anything else. I guess I am looking for a company with more time in the market, a proven track record of sorts.
How about the Velluto. This looks like a extremely well made Class D amplifier! Sometimes stepping off the beaten path can lead you to bliss.I haven't heard this one yet.But have played with a few different types. This sucker is made well from everything I can see. One thing I've learned about this type of amplifier. Speaker loads don't seem to slow them down the least bit.
If there were a low wattage version of it ..hell I might jump on one myself.:-)

Good luck with the hunt!
I guess without getting too deep, it is hard for me to take the CIA amps seriously. An in-home audition would be best but I would need to do a little more research on them before I did anything else. I guess I am looking for a company with more time in the market, a proven track record of sorts.
Honestly, this comment makes it hard for me to take your question seriously and it reveals your lack of research into Channel Islands Audio and the owner, Dusty Vawter. After you do some homework, you might look back at your last post and wish you had edited it. Even doing a five second search of the Audiogon threads would probably return enough information to make you realize what I say is true. How much effort have you put forth to do some investigation?

If a company's history and longevity is one of your primary criteria, then consider a Bryston 4B SST ($2000 on the used market). You will not find a company with better longevity or customer service track record than Bryston.

However, The 4B SST was not as sweet on my VR4 HSE loudspeakers as the CI Audio D100 monos.

PS - Dusty voices the D100 and D200 monos on Von Schweikert VR4 Jr loudspeakers, among others in the Von Schweikert line.
I would say McIntosh beats Bryston in the "company history and longevity" category since they have been around for 52 years. The CIA do seem interesting - I would be tempted to give them a try just to see what they are like.
Up until recently I used a MAC 6900 integrated with my 4JR's. Sounded great and the 6900 drove the Jr's with very musical results. Auditioning in your system is really the only way to go and places like Music Direct and Audio Advisor offer 30 day in home trials on the gear they sell. You can also find 30 trials on the new Nuforce amps. I would go that route, or buy gear used that you not have to take a loss on.
You can also find 30 trials on the new Nuforce amps. I would go that route, or buy gear used that you not have to take a loss on.
I did an in-home comparison between the NuForce and CI Audio D100. It was interesting and fun. Pardales makes a good suggestion.
Aball, I posted my results in another thread. You can do a quick search for "NuForce" and probably find it. Porsche is to NuForce as Mercedes is to CI Audio D100. Make sense?

I prefer my KT88 tube amp to both.
So what other choices are out there besides one of the new digital amps? The Pass amps always get high praise, how are the newer ones? I noticed they have more power.
Fishwater: I just received a new Pass Labs 250.5, driving my 4JR's. I cannot report specific findings yet as I have a lot of breaking in to do on several parts of my system. But, I will post some comments in a few weeks.