magneplanar on wall HT system - anyone listen?

i'm looking for feedback on the Maggie on wall HT system. I have an apartment that I was thinking of putting up four on wall Maggie HT speakers along with their center channel speaker. Was wondering about other people's experiences with this system.

Thanks for the help.

Jab, the Magnepan binding posts are a little odd, but in addition to bare wire, they do accept banana plugs. - just not spades. Great products otherwise.
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I saw two home theater setups utilizing Maggies at T.H.E. Show in Las Vegas this past weekend but neither of them had a video component in the setup. Both were playing music only. One setup consisted of 6 of the 3.6 models. Two of the 3.6's were used for the center channel, and one for each of the 4 corners.
I personally would not use Maggies for HT.


1 - Maggies are not as dynamic as many equilivilent costing box speakers.
2 - Maggies are much harder to drive than most equilivent costing box speakers.
3 - Because of #2, you need some serious power to get decent HT sound with Maggies.

Anyway, I love Maggie sound in a lot of ways for 2 channel. For HT, I would look at something else.