Mirage M-1 tweeter died, No longer stock. Help

A strange question for all of you. My tweeter (1 of 4) on my Mirage M-1 speakers died. Mirage not longer stocks these tweeters. They have offered to rebuild it, but I would not like to have my system down for a very long time since I do not have a spare pair of speakers.

Do any of you know where I can purchase a new/used Mirage M-1 tweeter?

Thanks in advance,
One, always try Ebay, 2nd, try Madisound, they may have replacements. If you don't have any luck, write me and I will check a couple of other places.
I don't quite understand, if the tweeter doesn't work, isn't your system already down? You can remove the tweeter yourself and send it to them. If it is a front tweeter, you can take one from the back and put it in the front and continue to use the speaker. I doubt that you will find any company that sells a replacement as the M1 tweeter is a very odd shape.
doesnt Mirgae make a lo end speaker that has maybe 1 tweet per side? buy a used M5 or even lower down the line and you will have replacement woofs and tweets
It would be rather expensive to purchase another pair of speakers just for replacement drivers and Mirage uses different size drivers for most of it's other series. I think you should take the tweeter out yourself and send it to Mirage for repair. I've replaced a few of these being a former Mirage dealer and I still own a pair of M1's. It's a little aggravating but not too difficult to remove the tweeters. All you have to do is take the tops and sides off and unscrew the strips of wood that hold the grillcloth on top and roll the fabric down to get to the tweeters. The screws are under the damping material covering the flange. As I said before, you can take one out of the rear and put it in the front if you need to and continue to use them until the speaker comes back from repair. I have done this myself and it works fine.

Thanks for your input and your good ideas.

Currently the speakers play and play well, I was surpised. :)

On the right speaker both tweeters are not playing. From listening to your good advice. I will do the following,

1) Recheck the connections of the tweeters and check the crossover.

2) Move the back tweeter from the back position to the front position and see if the replaced front tweeter comes on. If so send the broken tweeter to Mirage for "repair/rebuild". Excellent idea Rwwear.

3) If both tweeters are broken which I hope isn't true, I will send both to Mirage and take my old large Rogers speakers out of my office and use them.

4) Jvia, Could you tell me how to get in touch with Madisound. This sounds like a good resource to add my list.
Maybe, if they have the tweeter at a low cost, I may purchase one as a spare.

Again, thanks for your time and input!

I bought a pair of m1's a year or so ago, off this board. Killer price of ~$360. Turned out three tweeters were blown. Found a guy who rebuilds them, and another who has perfect size match - titanium dome, not cloth. Fits right in the hole. I went with the latter, since the repair guy was too busy. I bought 4 new ATI tweets from LAB for roughly $400. The output level of the new tweets matched the remaining original, so for balance sake i replaced all four with titanium. Also the new ones didn't have the bar that pokes the grille cloth out. So, there was an aesthetic plus. I did have to change the lugs.

Rebuild guy: ABI TECH  (902) 423-4994 chris@abitech.ca  
New titaniums: Lab Acoustics. Lee A. Barron.  norrab@sympatico.ca
I just picked up a pair of M5si to match the M3si fronts in a HT rig and they also have 3 blown tweeters. Sent an e-mail to Chris at ABI to see if he can source the replacement parts for me. Great to see the M series are still making people happy.